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"Armata" turned out to be too expensive": the French press named the cost of the newest Russian tank

«Armani» turned out to be too expensive»: the French press named the cost of the newest Russian tankPresented at the Victory Parade in 2015 MBT T-14 "Armata" surprised the West, which observers had previously believed, that the Russian defense industry is not capable of achieving a breakthrough in tank building. Nevertheless, then the T-14 was perceived as the most modern solution: the machine was equipped with a robotic turret, the latest composite armor and weapons, KAZ "Afganit", and the crew was located in a capsule providing it with increased protection.

"Armata" in 2015 year was considered the most advanced tank in the world- says the French publication Meta-defense.

Before its appearance, Soviet and Russian MBTs were designed in this way, to be powerfully armed, properly armored and, first of all, relatively light and much easier to manufacture, than their Western counterparts.

As indicated, expected, that the Russian Armed Forces will receive hundreds of tanks of this type in the coming years. However, to date it has been supplied from 20 to 30 copies, mainly for testing.

The most important problem for the Russian Armed Forces regarding the T-14 "Armata", as well as all the new generation armored vehicles accompanying it, concerns industrial and, first of all, financial issue. According to some sources, T-14 will cost approximately $6 million per unit compared to less than $2 million for the T-90M, which remains a very capable tank, armed with the same 125 mm cannon and various other systems, borrowed from "Armata"- featured in the French press.

«Armani» turned out to be too expensive»: the French press named the cost of the newest Russian tank

According to the author, perhaps, that the T-14 will never enter service with Russian troops, especially considering the participation of the Russian Armed Forces in the Ukrainian conflict, during which the emphasis was placed on reducing production costs and mass production of equipment.

In his words, The Russian Federation does not have the same funds as the United States, Europe and China, who can afford to buy tanks at a price $20 million.

"Armata" turned out to be too expensive. The Russian General Staff prefers the T-90M, which stands in 6 times cheaper, and sometimes more, than models, used in Europe, but which, Nevertheless, turns out to be very effective, mobile, well protected and has great firepower- says the edition, naming the cost of cars.

As explained, although it can be considered Leopard 2A7/8, M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams or upgraded Leclerc superior to T-90, but it's unthinkable to think, that a Western tank will perform better in field conditions, than 5 or 6 T-90 units.

The effectiveness of the Russian approach raises questions about the appropriateness of Western strategy in this area. It's hard to justify a six-fold difference in price for armored vehicles with relatively similar characteristics, even after adjusting for purchasing power parity, component 2,2 for Russia compared to Europe and the USA- The author believes.

«Armani» turned out to be too expensive»: the French press named the cost of the newest Russian tank

In his words, in the West they still think only in the paradigm of a balance between protection, mobility and firepower, while “Russians take into account the production price parameter from the very beginning”.

This difference in paradigm can be seen in many areas, related to the production of Russian weapons. So, the cost of the Su-35 is approximately three times lower, than Rafale, Typhoon или F-15EX. The same thing with the Su-57, which is three times cheaper, than the F-35, while the plane is much heavier- noted in the edition.

The same gap exists in the field of submarines.. So, The Yasen-M nuclear submarine is being sold to the Russian Navy for approximately $800 million, which is more than three times cheaper, than Virginia class submarines, "received almost ideal characteristics".

Western countries, primarily to Europeans, need to close the cost gap, without reducing the performance characteristics of the equipment. After 20 years of unbridled pursuit of “high technology” it will be very difficult to achieve this. but, probably, This is where the key to neutralizing Russian defense efforts and the threat posed by them lies- the author concludes.

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