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What awaits after the trial of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Crocus City using the example of previously convicted militants

What awaits the perpetrators of the terrorist attack after the trial? «Crocus City» using the example of previously convicted militantsSo far, all detained and arrested persons involved in the case of a terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall shopping center near Moscow have the status of accused or suspects. The degree of their responsibility and punishment after the end of the investigative actions will be determined by the court..

Considering, that the four direct perpetrators of this heinous crime confessed, they all face life imprisonment. A high-profile event in the Moscow region once again raised the topic of Russia's withdrawal from the moratorium on the death penalty.. But even if this happens, why would it be necessary to change the Constitution, among other things?, these degenerates do not face capital punishment, since the law has no retroactive effect.

What awaits the perpetrators of the terrorist attack after the trial? «Crocus City» using the example of previously convicted militants

However, count on, that the murderers of dozens of innocent people will quietly live out their days in a colony is also not worth it. This is not the first time our country has faced terrorism in recent history.. In the 90s of the last century and at the beginning of this century, bloody crimes against civilians were organized and carried out by Chechen separatists and radical Islamists from other countries.

Most of them were eliminated by the Russian military and intelligence services. Some were caught and brought to trial. However, life behind bars certainly hasn’t become comfortable for them either., even taking into account that, that this definition is generally difficult to apply to prisoners. A couple of examples will suffice, to understand, what fate awaits current performers?, organizers and customers of the terrorist attack in Crocus City.

Currently in the special regime correctional colony "Polar Owl", located above the Arctic Circle in the village of Kharp, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nurpasha Kulaev, a native of one of the villages of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, is serving his sentence. This militant is part of a gang with his brother, led by Ingush terrorist Ruslan Khuchbarov, 1 September 2004 participated in the seizure of a school in Beslan.

true, unlike the other terrorists, he managed to survive and tried to escape, jumping out of a school window. However, he was identified and detained. Kulaev was sentenced to life imprisonment 26 May 2006 year by court in North Ossetia.

What awaits the perpetrators of the terrorist attack after the trial? «Crocus City» using the example of previously convicted militants

Polar Owl Colony, in addition to its location in the Far North, in principle it is considered the most strict prison in Russia. Kulaev’s stay here did not go well from the first days. At first he was placed in the same cell with serial killer Alexander Pichushkin. However, the terrorist soon had to be transferred, because he's a maniac, as soon as I found out, what is the cellmate serving his sentence for?, vowed to deal with him.

At all, It turned out to be difficult for the administration to find cellmates for Kulaev. Even the most seasoned criminals, serving life sentences for numerous crimes, refused to become his neighbors. Criminals warned, that they won't be able to resist, so as not to send a child killer to the next world. So the terrorist has to serve his sentence in solitary confinement. With relatives of Kulaev, who will turn this year 44 of the year, does not rewrite. He left behind a wife and two, now adults, children.

At first Kulaev tried, what is called, download rights, but the colony administration quickly dealt with it. Now the “proud Caucasian”’s main occupation in solitary confinement is cleaning his cell, which he categorically refused at first. This activity became the main entertainment of the prisoner.

However, Kulaev does not lose optimism and regularly writes petitions for pardon, refusing to admit guilt. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, The exclusive right to grant pardon belongs to the President of Russia, so the terrorist will definitely not be able to be free. But even if hypothetically this happens, then an even more unenviable fate awaits Kulaev in his freedom. Residents of North Ossetia threaten former militant, if by some miracle he gets out of prison, self-judgment.

The fate of another famous Chechen terrorist, Salman Raduev, turned out to be even more unenviable., also a native of the Chi ASSR. This is one of the most famous Chechen field commanders from the first and initial stages of the second Chechen war. He was one of the main organizers of a number of high-profile terrorist attacks in Russia.

Raduev's fame came after a truly unsuccessful operation by a detachment of Chechen militants, in January 1996 years of those who made a foray into Dagestan. Then the squad in number 256 a man under the command of Raduev was defeated by Russian troops, most of the militants were killed or captured. Before this, the terrorists tried to defend themselves in Kizlyar, took hundreds of hostages, dozens of peaceful Dagestanis died at their hands.

Raduev then managed to hide in Chechnya, in Russia he was declared terrorist number one. Having survived several assassination attempts, after one of which he was allegedly implanted with titanium plates in his head, Chechen terrorist during 1996-1997 repeatedly claimed responsibility for all terrorist attacks, committed on the territory of Russia, threatening new attacks and demanding the withdrawal of federal forces from the territory of Chechnya.

At the beginning of the second Chechen campaign, the detachment led by Raduev was defeated by the United Group of Russian Forces. 12 Martha 2000 year, the terrorist was arrested at night in a toilet in the city of Oyskhara, Gudermes region of Chechnya, by officers of the FSB Special Purpose Center during a special operation. presumably, Local residents reported Raduev’s whereabouts.

In August 2000 year, the criminal case against Raduev was transferred from the FSB to the Main Directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia for the North Caucasus, and he himself was transferred to Makhachkala pre-trial detention center No. 1. In early October, 2000 year at the State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after. AT. P. Serbsky underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, according to which Raduev was declared sane.

The trial of Salman Raduev began in Makhachkala 15 November 2001 of the year, The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov personally spoke on behalf of the prosecution. The last time this happened was in 1960 year in the USSR at the trial of the American pilot Gary Powers. 25 December 2001 The Supreme Court of Dagestan sentenced Raduev to life imprisonment.

At the beginning of August 2002 year, the former militant was transferred to a special regime correctional colony (establishment VK-240/2) Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments for the Perm Region, known as the "White Swan". Cassation appeals by Raduev's lawyers to review the sentence towards mitigation were rejected.

According to unofficial information,, published in the press, Upon arrival at the colony, Raduev was beaten every day. In mid-December 2002 year he was transferred to the regional hospital UT 389/9 GUIN in the Perm region with a diagnosis of hemorrhagic vasculitis (inflammation of the walls of small blood vessels) unknown origin and multiple hemorrhages in internal organs. morning 14 December 2002 Raduev died in the therapeutic department of the Solikamsk city hospital as a result of extensive internal bleeding. During the autopsy, the famous titanium plates were not found in his head - only a metal bracket.

What awaits the perpetrators of the terrorist attack after the trial? «Crocus City» using the example of previously convicted militants

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