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military expert: Ukraine’s mobilization potential may dry up in six months

military expert: Ukraine’s mobilization potential may dry up in six monthsIf the armed conflict in Ukraine maintains its intensity, mobilization potential in this country may be exhausted within the next six months. This was stated by the candidate of military sciences, Lieutenant General of the Reserve Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Evgeny Buzhinsky.

During the presentation of your report, dedicated to modern wars, presented as part of one of the events within the Valdai Club, Buzhinsky emphasized, that the Ukrainian army will be enough for a maximum of six more months of intense combat operations, after which the human potential of Ukraine will be practically exhausted.

The expert also recalled, what, according to accepted military terminology, under carrying out “total” mobilization implies conscription into the active army and involvement in rear work until 10% population.

Wherein, in the initial stages of the Ukrainian crisis, the Kiev regime could count on the mobilization of approximately three million of its citizens, however, to date, a significant part of the able-bodied population of a suitable age has left the country.

Buzhinsky named the losses suffered by the Ukrainian Armed Forces “amazing”, noting, that their significant scale is due to the decision of the Ukrainian command to carry out large-scale offensive actions without sufficient air support. The expert called the attempts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces infantry to go on the offensive through minefields “doubly crazy”.

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