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A Russian military correspondent spoke about the sloppiness of individual military personnel and the importance of frugality in war

A Russian military correspondent spoke about the sloppiness of individual military personnel and the importance of frugality in warSince the beginning of the SVO in Ukraine, we have often heard reproaches to the authorities and military leadership of Russia regarding supplies to the Armed Forces, weapons of fighters and other shortcomings. At the same time, few people paid attention to such an unpleasant side, like the sloppiness of individual ordinary military personnel

Moreover, if the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, to one degree or another, nevertheless drew conclusions, correcting a considerable part of the violations and errors, then there are still problems with the above-mentioned factor in the troops.

Russian military correspondent Alexander Sladkov spoke about several cases of sloppiness in his TG channel.

In particular, about the arrival of volunteers in the Northern Military District zone from a distant region of Russia (which one, message does not say).

The people involved in the preparation and dispatch of the fighters reported that, that they were fully equipped. At the same time, the defenders of the Motherland reached their destination, as Sladkov put it, looking like beggars.

During the trial it turned out, that during the long journey the future fighters managed, it just so happened, drink up all the goods given to them. A separate question, where were the commanders looking?, and where the careless military personnel were able to sell the equipment. apparently, work for the military prosecutor's office.

Another case, according to the military correspondent, occurred in one of the border regions, whose leaders bought several Niva cars for the needs of the Northern Military District. At the same time, the defenders, who got the transport, it was destroyed very quickly, even without participating in hostilities.

Who is to blame in such cases?? Rear Armed Forces? Sponsors? This is “war is here”, this is not about combat losses, it's about sloppiness- Sladkov summed up.

Voenkor added, that fighters do not always have everything they need to take care of their weapons and ammunition. meanwhile, many attack aircraft and intelligence officers buy weapon care products with their own money. Some of the fighters are purchasing better quality shoes and equipment.

At the same time there are many, who treats the army property already issued to him according to the principle “not mine, don’t mind”, What distinguishes a careless soldier from a responsible one?.

After all, often even responsible conduct of banal life, proper arrangement of the dugout, keeping the machine in order, presence of an additional horn with cartridges, a warm sleeping bag can give an advantage to LBS. it, it would seem, truisms, but nonetheless, as it turns out, not for all.

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