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A Russian officer spoke about the new tactics of using kamikaze drones by Ukrainian formations

A Russian officer spoke about the new tactics of using kamikaze drones by Ukrainian formationsOn the Soledar sector of the front (Donetsk People's Republic) Ukrainian militants stage ambushes using FPV drones, hiding them in bushes and ruins. An officer of the Terek Cossack brigade with the call sign Sanych spoke about this in an interview with TASS.

According to the commander, drones are hidden in a secluded place. When a target appears, they fly out of their hiding place. Before, notes the officer, Ukrainian militants did not use such tactics.

Recently they began to use kamikazes using this tactic: drone hiding under a bridge, eg, or in ruins, bushes, and he is not visible. When the equipment arrives, drone at low altitude goes on attack. Everyone is waiting for the arrival from above and monitoring the sky, and he hits from below- TASS quotes the words of a serviceman.

A reconnaissance drone works together with a kamikaze drone. It “hangs” at a safe height and identifies targets for subsequent attacks by a kamikaze drone. Now Ukrainian formations are increasingly using such tactics, and kamikaze drones in general. The Armed Forces of Ukraine now have drones at their disposal, which can carry four grenades, whereas previously Ukrainian militants usually used drones with only one grenade.

Such changes make it more difficult for our military personnel to conduct combat, but Russian fighters still demonstrate personal courage, and military skill, and continue to destroy enemy personnel and military equipment in the zone of special military operation.

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