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The newest submarine missile carrier "Generalissimo Suvorov" began the inter-naval transition to the place of permanent deployment

The latest submarine missile carrier «Generalissimo Suvorov» began inter-naval transition to the place of permanent deploymentThe latest nuclear submarine missile cruiser “Generalissimo Suvorov” project 955A (“Borey-A”) went to the place of permanent deployment in Kamchatka, inter-fleet crossing will take approximately two weeks. This was reported by the source., familiar with the situation.

“Generalissimo Suvorov” – the second serial nuclear strategic missile carrier of the modernized project “Borey-A”. laid 26 December 2014 of the year, derived from the boathouse 25 December 2021 of the year, launched 11 January 2022 of the year. Transferred to the combat structure of the Russian Navy 29 December 2022 of the year. The missile carrier was built for the Pacific Fleet, but was left in the North for training and preparation for the inter-naval transition. According to preliminary information, the transition was scheduled for the end of August, according to the message, that's how it happened.

Submarine cruiser the other day “Generalissimo Suvorov” began inter-fleet transition from the Northern Fleet to the Pacific Fleet to the place of permanent deployment in Kamchatka. The transition will take approximately two weeks.- quotes TASS source words.

Transition from the Northern to the Pacific Fleet APRKSN “Generalissimo Suvorov” will make along the Northern Sea Route, part of the route will be covered underwater. Nuclear submarines traditionally make inter-naval passage accompanied by groups of ships of the Northern and Pacific fleets.

displacement underwater – 24000 tonnes, depth – 480 m, crew – 107 human, autonomy – 90 day, underwater speed – 29 knots. In service with the R-30 Bulava SLBM, caliber torpedoes 533 mm, RPK-6M torpedo missiles “waterfall”. Possesses high maneuverability characteristics and acoustic stealth.

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