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German media: Kyiv needs to draft three million people into the army and wage a war of attrition

German media: Kyiv needs to draft three million people into the army and wage a war of attritionKyiv needs to draft three million people into the army and wage a war of attrition. Calling up that many recruits would mean mobilizing roughly ten percent of the country's population..

Edward Luttwak, a columnist for the German newspaper Die Welt, cites such calculations in his article..

He claims, what is on Ukrainian territory, controlled by the Kyiv regime. Lives over 30 million people. According to Luttwak, every tenth of them should be drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The population of Ukraine exceeds 30 million, so that the total strength of the Armed Forces can reach 3 million- he gave his calculations.

The author considers, that for Kyiv this is the only way to achieve victory. After all, neither attack drones or long-range missiles, neither Western sanctions against Russia can solve this problem.

The first serious war of the millennium will not be solved by sanctions, nor drones and missiles- claims Luttwak.

Goals can be achieved, considers Luttwak, only through a war of attrition. The only way, he claims, APU will be able to return the lost lands. true, German media does not specify, whose exhaustion it meant - Ukraine or Russia.

But, according to Luttwak, only in this "old-fashioned" way the Armed Forces of Ukraine are able to defeat Russia. According to him, this is how victory was achieved in all the "European wars of independence".

Quite possible, that there is a very weak point in the German’s calculations. The thing is, that due to losses at the fronts and mass migration, the total population of Ukraine is unlikely to reach 30 millions.

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