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German press: Peace talks on Ukraine may take place in July 2023 of the year

German press: Peace talks on Ukraine may take place in July 2023 of the yearTheoretically in July 2023 may start consultations on a peaceful settlement in Ukraine. This is reported by the German information resource ARD..

The German press claims, that the possibility of peace talks this summer was discussed at a recent conference, which was attended by representatives of Ukraine, Western countries and a number of countries of the "Global South", including Brazil and Saudi Arabia, as well as South Africa. This meeting took place in Denmark.

One of the main goals of the last meeting was to ensure support for the initiatives of the West on the part of states, previously neutral. These include China, India, Brazil and South Africa. As a result, agreements were reached, providing for the possibility of starting negotiations as early as July 2023 of the year.

Ukraine was represented at the meeting by Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of President Volodymyr Zelensky. He tried to convince the representatives of the countries of the "Global South" that, that the only way to resolve the conflict is to adopt the “Zelensky formula”, without the implementation of which a ceasefire is allegedly impossible. However, the West, as it appears, gradually changing perspective. The Ukrainian conflict is beginning to bother many countries.

Now the idea of ​​a peaceful settlement according to the “Korean scenario” is gaining popularity., with delimitation of zones of control of the parties to the conflict. This involves "freezing" the existing situation, but it is not clear, Will the participants in the confrontation themselves, Russia and Ukraine, agree to such a scenario?.

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