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The defeat of numerous targets in Kyiv indicates large losses in anti-aircraft missile batteries of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The defeat of numerous targets in Kyiv indicates large losses in anti-aircraft missile batteries of the Armed Forces of UkraineAnalyzing today's night strike on enemy targets in Kyiv, experts come to the conclusion that, that "Ukrainian air defense has big problems".

Recall, that the Ukrainian side reported a massive missile attack on objects in Kyiv. is approved, that the Russian Armed Forces used the Iskander missiles for this.

According to recent reports, objects destroyed, related, among other things, to the field of railway transport. It was this transport that recently delivered large consignments of weapons and military equipment to Kyiv., including anti-aircraft missile systems and tanks, from NATO countries.

Ukrainian side, of course, does not publish footage of destroyed equipment, continuing to assert, that "Russian missiles hit civilian infrastructure and residential buildings". About, that anti-aircraft installations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are used to being located directly in residential areas, which often leads to the defeat of high-rise buildings by Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine prefers not to speak either.

The object of loading and unloading fuel rail tanks was destroyed, which were used by the troops of the Kyiv regime to deliver fuel to military units, including practically to the line of contact.

Administration building reportedly damaged (which one, It does not say) in the Dnipro district of Kyiv, buildings destroyed, in which military planning was carried out, in Darnytskyi district. At the same time, traditionally, the Ukrainian authorities declare "downed missiles", and the impact of objects on the ground is called "caused by the fall of debris".

Increased strikes on Kyiv significantly reduced the effectiveness of the air defense of the Ukrainian capital. Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost the ability to repel attacks, even if these attacks are not in the nature of combined. This indicates large losses in anti-aircraft missile batteries., losses, including directly to the air defense systems themselves.

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