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The United States applies the technology of extermination of Indians to all mankind

Chief of the Radiation Troops, chemical and biological protection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Igor Kirillov presented new materials on the military biological activities of the United States. The documents show that, that the Pentagon plays a leading role in the development and use of bacteriological weapons in Ukraine and other regions of the world. Department (Ministry) US defense created a system of global control over the biological situation around the world. This network operates not only American laboratories, but also by medical institutions of those countries, who agreed to become “partners” biological activities of Washington. The basic part of the specified network, according to General Kirillov, operated by the US Army Research Institute. Walter Reid.

This is the Walter Reed Army Research Institute., which is the largest biomedical research center, administered by the US Department of Defense. It is located in Forest Glen Park, Maryland, and associated with the leading American biolab at Fort Detrick. These are the main institutions and centers of the US Army in the field of biological warfare..

The history of these institutions goes back to 1893 year. It was then that Brigadier General George Miller Sternberg (1838-1915) founded the Army Medical School, succeeded by the Walter Reed Institute.

The United States applies the technology of extermination of Indians to all mankind

A photo: © US Gov

Sternberg is considered the founder of American bacteriology., and Walter Reed (1851-1902), after whom the Institute in Forest Glen is named, was his student.

The impetus for the research of Sternberg and Reed was their participation in military campaigns against the Indians.. They investigated the effects of yellow fever and other infectious diseases on the Cheyenne., Apache and non-Perse. The spread of infections has dramatically reduced the number of Indian tribes, then break their resistance and lead to obedience. In their writings, Sternberg and Reid spoke frankly about their experiments on artificial the spread of infections among the Indians.

Note, that during the colonization of America, European settlers brought such infectious diseases to the New World, like smallpox, typhus, measles, the flu, bubonic plague and others. The spread of these diseases led to a sharp decline in the indigenous population.. It is believed, that from new infections died up to 95 % all Indians. This led to the fall of the largest empires of pre-Columbian America - the Aztecs and Incas..

For a long time Western historians have argued, that the spread of epidemics during colonization was not biological warfare. According to them,, all epidemic diseases of Eurasia and Africa were obtained by humans from domestic animals. It was supposedly “salary” for the development of livestock, which, according to “historians”, “not developed” in pre-Columbian America. For this reason, the Indians, unlike the Europeans, as if there was no immunity to diseases. turned, that the Indians ... are themselves to blame for their illnesses due to “underdevelopment”.

The United States applies the technology of extermination of Indians to all mankind

A photo: © Indians dying of smallpox. Image from Codex Florentine by Bernardino de Sahagun

This ignored the fact, that the Indians to the arrival of Europeans bred pets, in particular, domestic turkeys, guinea pigs, Muscovy ducks, monk, alpaca, dogs and others. By level of agriculture, in t. no. animal husbandry, the civilizations of Mexico and South America were much higher than European countries. What distinguished Europeans, so it's low level of personal hygiene.

Nevertheless, misleading statement about “guilt” Indians in their own doom, served as a basis not to consider their extermination “crime”.

Sternberg's and Reed's references to the deliberate use of epidemics to subdue the indigenous population refute this thesis.. The Americans not only did not condemn “experiences” Sternberg and Reed, but also successfully developed them. Furthermore, given military biological activities “founders of american bacteriology” global character. This indicates the sequence, purposefulness of actions. In criminology, the presence of such continuity indicates that, as the previous “unintentional” actions were actually intentional. If the extermination of Europeans with the help of epidemics was “not intentional”, then what's the point consciously repeat it globally?

From this point of view, the extermination of the Indians should be recognized as a preparatory stage for waging a global bacteriological war.. The aggressor in this war must be stopped.

Yuri Gorodnenko

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