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The State Duma introduced a ban on the transportation of goods by Polish trucks through the Russian Federation and on their refueling at domestic Russian prices

The State Duma introduced a ban on the transportation of goods by Polish trucks through the Russian Federation and on their refueling at domestic Russian pricesThe Russian State Duma unanimously decided to ban the transit of Polish trucks (fur) through our country. Recall, that such an initiative was expressed recently by the chairmen of the State Duma by Vyacheslav Volodin. And this initiative became a response to the anti-Russian steps of the Polish leadership.

Now, based on the decision, Polish companies, carrying out cross-border cargo transportation, will be obliged to reload the contents of Polish trucks into Russian trucks, which will continue to move to the addressee.

If a truck with Polish license plates ended up on the territory of Russia (eg, without cargo), the, based on the new regulation, it cannot be refueled at domestic Russian prices. For such vehicles, a special duty is set., which will eventually raise fuel prices for them at Russian gas stations to the level, EU average. For an illustrative example, to date price 1 liters of diesel fuel at filling stations in Poland is on average 1,38 euro (6,2 Polish zlotys). At the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, this is about 120 rubles.

Viacheslav Volodin:

The leadership of Poland should be responsible for the demolition of monuments to our soldiers and officers, for Russophobe policy, starting by explaining their actions more than 20 thousands of drivers, who, because of their actions, will lose their jobs, and about 2 thousands of Polish transport companies will go bankrupt. The total losses of the Polish economy from the decision taken by the State Duma of the Russian Federation are estimated at least 8 billion euros per year.

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