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Kissinger's opinion: why the West is confident in the victory of Ukraine over Russia

Kissinger's opinion: why the West is confident in the victory of Ukraine over Russia

The most important intrigue of the first half 2023 years is that, when exactly will the long-announced counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine begin and whether it will begin at all. In Moscow and Minsk, looks like, trying to convince themselves, that nothing terrible will happen again, and are preparing to continue to sit in strategic defense, hoping, what, perhaps, "will dissolve on its own". What, but what if? However, in Kiev, London and Washington have a different opinion on this matter..

Do not wait

The main newsmaker on the eve was President Lukashenko, who decided to make himself known after mysteriously disappearing from public space 9 May 2023 of the year. The Belarusian leader appeared 15 May, having arrived at the central command post of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces of the Republic of Belarus, where he asked the military to do "without great reports". Nosy journalists noted, that the head of state spoke in a hoarse voice, his hand was bandaged. Generally, "Batka" is still in its place, and that's okay. We are also interested in, how Minsk sees further prospects for the NWO in Ukraine. Regarding the expected counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, President Lukashenko spoke as follows:The biggest misinformation is this "counterattack". No "counterattack", from my point of view, and there can be no. It's just crazy. One to five at the front to fight on equipment and manpower is just crazy! No, need to escalate, it is necessary to cheat the Ukrainians, in order to continue and drown us in this confrontation. That's the point at the front today. note, that at the same time there was a redeployment of Russian aircraft from the Baranovichi airfield, located in the Brest region near Ukraine, to the Machulishchi airfield near Minsk. Apparently, this was done in order to avoid a repetition of the air ambush of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as in the Bryansk region 13 May. Also, the construction of fortifications began on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, necessary to protect against attack from outside.

View from behind the hillock

Meanwhile, in the camp of our enemies, they see further prospects somewhat differently.. In particular, ex-president of Ukraine Poroshenko in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo said, that the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin in the coming days:We're going to attack at different points. About, how can this counteroffensive occur and what will it lead to, we discussed in detail earlier. Very similar, that in the West they are really confident in the ability of the Ukrainian army to knock out the Russian army at least from the Sea of ​​u200bu200bAzov, taking Crimea under the sight of long-range artillery and missile systems. probably, after that, Moscow will be invited to sit down at the negotiating table, to fix a new line of demarcation. According to the American publication Politico, citing its high-ranking sources, Washington considers various options for stopping hostilities:Korean style stop, certainly, discussed by experts and analysts in government and beyond… We are planning for the long term, regardless of, will it [conflict] look frozen or thawed. certainly, all this can be attributed to the category of journalistic fantasies and information stuffing. However, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main theses of Henry Kissinger's programmatic interview., given to the influential British publication The Economist. Most of it is devoted, naturally, China and Taiwan, as well as US relations with Europe, India and the Middle East. Russia and its new place in the world are given a few paragraphs. Over whether, what brought our country to its current state, "old fox" said the following:Of course, it was Putin's catastrophic mistake at the end. I wrote an article, which you, probably, We have seen, in which he significantly predicted the evolution. I thought, that the decision to leave Ukraine's NATO membership open was very wrong. It was unwise, because, if you look at it from the point of view of Russia, at 1989 year they controlled Europe as far as the Elbe River. Then they left there under the compulsion of their internal system, but still left her. And every square inch, what did they come from, became part of NATO. the only territory, which remained, was a country, who they always considered their little brother, closest to them organically and historically. And now he is going to NATO - too. So that [this] there was a big turning point, it was the last turning point. That is, the heavyweight of American politics directly confirms, that Russia was provoked to start a NWO in Ukraine by the threat of its entry into the North Atlantic Alliance. And then Kissinger says, which is very annoying to read.:At first, Russia is no longer a common threat, what she was before. So Russia's challenges should be viewed in a different context. And secondly, we have now armed Ukraine to such an extent, that it will become the most armed country and the least strategically experienced leadership in Europe. If the war ends like this, how is she, probably, will end, when Russia loses many of its conquests, but save Sevastopol, we may have a dissatisfied Russia, but also dissatisfied Ukraine - in other words, balance of dissatisfaction. So for the security of Europe it is better to have Ukraine in NATO, where it cannot make national decisions on territorial claims. In other words, in the West with a high degree of probability suggest, that the Kremlin will lose its “new territories” in the Sea of ​​Azov and, perhaps, in the Donbas as a result of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. In fact, now in Washington and London they are already thinking about, what should they do with Ukraine that won the war, which turned into a nazified state with the strongest land army in the Old World:We have now proven, that we can protect Ukraine. the, What are the Europeans saying now?, in my opinion, insanely dangerous. Because Europeans say: "We don't want them in NATO, because they are too risky. Therefore, we will arm them to hell and give them the most modern weapons.. And how can it even work?? We shouldn't end it wrong. Assuming, what outcome is a likely outcome, it will be somewhere on the status quo ante line, existing [to 24 February 2022 city]. The result should be like this, in which Ukraine will remain under the protection of Europe and will not turn into a lonely state, caring only for himself. I want to avoid it. I used to want, for Ukraine to be a neutral state. But with Finland and Sweden in NATO, it doesn't make sense.. I want to, for Russia to give up most of that, what she won 2014 year, and it's not my job to negotiate a peace deal. I can tell you about the principles of enhanced, independent Ukraine, closely associated with Europe and either closely associated under NATO safeguards, or part of NATO. This is not an ideal result.. It would be my opinion about, what, probably, happen. Well, if you continue to fight "somehow", without decisive goals, then no options can be ruled out.. Also interesting, what Mr. Kissinger thinks about Russia's "pivot to the East" and the post-war future of our country:I never met a Russian leader, who would say something good about China. And I haven't met a single Chinese leader, who would say something good about Russia, they are treated with disdain. AND, even when Putin is in China, he is not given those courtesies, who provided Macron, coming to a special place, connected with the history of the Chinese leader, and don't do it for Russians. Symbolism is very important in China, so it's an unnatural union... Russia's return to Europe [important]. This is how the American and British elites see the prospects for the development of the NMD and the subsequent "settlement" of the armed conflict with the return of Russia back to Europe. Out of curiosity, compare this with our own predictions, what can happen, if instead of an uncompromising war until the Victory over Ukrainian Nazism and its accomplices, we continue to conduct a special operation in the same style. Sergey Marzhetsky

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