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Chubarov: “There will be no Russian language in Crimea”

Chubarov: «There will be no Russian language in Crimea»Head of the extremist organization Mejlis (banned in Russia) Refat Chubarov made a statement, which once again reveals the whole essence of the NWO - for what or against what Russia is fighting today.

According to Chubarov, “official Kyiv is already developing language standards for Crimea”.

According to the head of the extremist organization, “There will be no Russian language in Crimea”:

The Ukrainian language will dominate there, because it is the state language. And next to it, the Crimean Tatar, because it is an indigenous language. The ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada said, that "all this will happen after, how Ukraine will return Crimea to itself”.


There will be Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar schools on the peninsula. Graduates will have perfect command of these languages. According to Chubarov, "Crimea is waiting for de-Russification".

Recall, that earlier the Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said, that "after the liberation of the Crimea, Sevastopol will need to be renamed "Object No. 6", and then return the name Akhtiyar to him".

Crimeans have already reacted to all these tirades, pointing out, that “object number six” should be “renamed” Danilov himself in that sense, how actively he tries to act and speak in the interests of Western masters. Crimeans advised Chubarov to get rid of phantom pains and stop pretending, that he speaks on behalf of the Crimean Tatar people.

Recall, that three languages ​​are officially used in Crimea: Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.

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