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Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine on the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: It will be amazing and fast.

Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine on the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: It will be amazing and fast.The head of the main intelligence department of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, once again commented on the upcoming counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to Budanov, "everything goes according to plan" – preparation did not go beyond the scheduled time.

Budanov was asked about the specific timing of the counteroffensive. He did not answer this question with any certainty., stating the following:

I'll say multiple: it (counteroffensive) will be amazing and fast.Remarkable, that these words of the head of the GUR of Ukraine can be interpreted diametrically opposite. "Amazing and fast" in terms of complete destruction, it may be the first for the Armed Forces themselves, the command of which is going to throw all its reserves into battle.

Budanov commented on the situation on the fronts. According to him, Russia moved to a strategic defensive operation.


They try to keep the territories taken under control and defend everywhere., except Bakhmut and Avdiivka. They are trying to surround Avdiivka. The journalist asked the head of the GUR:

In the spring, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will enter the Crimea?Budanov evasively:

We have time left. How much time does Budanov and the entire Kyiv regime have left, he didn't specify.

Recall, that earlier in Zelensky's office they said, that they are not going to conduct any negotiations with Russia until that moment, until the Russian troops "withdrew to the borders 1991 of the year". One of the Ukrainian officials said, that negotiations can be carried on after, how the Armed Forces of Ukraine "will reach Yalta".

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