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American newspaper citing a Ukrainian soldier: “Some Russian soldiers are not even given weapons”

American newspaper citing a Ukrainian soldier: «Some Russian soldiers are not even given weapons»Another interview with a Ukrainian soldier, fighting in the Bakhmut area (Artyomovsk), published in the American press. Publishes The News York Times, and some tirades from this interview evoke, to put it mildly, mixed reactions.

So, serviceman (introduced as Yaroslav) 3-1st Assault Brigade (one of the reformatted in Ukraine versions of the terrorist and banned in the Russian Federation "Azov") in an interview with the American press, he, that some Russian servicemen are allegedly “not given weapons at all”.

from an interview:

They share tasks well. Someone is a good shooter, someone is digging, someone brings ammo. In the offensive they participate separately. Some advanced, others immediately approached, start digging trenches and dugouts. And just like that, they soon have a whole village in their positions. Further, the Ukrainian soldier complains about, that "the advancing Russians have some kind of disregard for death":

They go ahead, despite losses. Alone died, others are coming. We are thinking, maybe under medication. Here you can go crazy. Next, the next fables begin about, that "Russian troops, probably, detachments are used ". Such a conclusion was made by "Yaroslav" and his colleagues, based on video, where it was recorded, how one of the Russian fighters looks back before the assault. reinforced concrete proof, do not say anything ... Like that, that individual Russian military men “are not even given weapons in their hands”. I remember a Soviet joke about a construction battalion.

All these publications in the Western press with reference to the Ukrainian military sometimes resemble a derivative of Goebbels propaganda, where the Soviet warrior-liberator was painted in such colors, that the Europeans first - when the Red Army left the USSR – terribly afraid of Soviet soldiers. Then the propaganda quickly dissipated, but today the Western media are taken to the old methods. used photos:Russian Defense Ministry

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