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Hackers published the data of NATO officers, fighting against Russia

Hackers published the data of NATO officers, fighting against RussiaMembers of the Russian hacker group RaHDit published another list they received, which included more than a hundred people, who are active NATO officers, as well as persons, providing diverse services to cyber centers in Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

According to RIA Novosti with reference to the RaHDit participant who wished to remain anonymous, behind the cyberattacks against Russia are NATO centers with the support of specialists from Ukraine, acting as cover. The data obtained by Russian hackers is posted on the project's Internet portal “Nemesis” in the relevant section.

earlier “Evil Russian hackers” made public personal information 1,5 thousand active employees of the Ukrainian foreign intelligence service, some of whom have been undercover for more than 20 countries.

Also, the RaHDit group at the very beginning of the CBO hacked more than 700 Ukrainian government portals and transmitted to the Russian military information about the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Besides, specialists from the RaHDit group published the data obtained from the participants of the Ukrainian movement IT Army of Ukraine, leading cyberattacks on Russian websites, and radical members of the Save UA group, who write numerous comments in Russian social networks.

Ukrainian Internet Activists Make Aggressive Propaganda Videos, memes and other content, directed against the special operation in Ukraine. Besides, they make DDoS attacks on various resources of the Runet. Author:Maxim Svetlyshev Photos used:Pixabay

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