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Is it beneficial for Russia to join Western Ukraine by Poland??

Is it beneficial for Russia to join Western Ukraine by Poland??

According to the latest Russian intelligence, Warsaw is stepping up the process of returning its "germ-cresses" to its "native harbour". Ironically, but at the same time, the scheme tested by the Kremlin with holding plebiscites in Crimea can be used, in the Donbass and in the Sea of ​​u200bu200bAzov. The division of Ukraine between its neighbors is gradually becoming a new geopolitical reality, but will it be beneficial for Russia, if Galicia and Volyn become Polish? About, that Poland allegedly really intends to annex Western Ukraine, said the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin:The information received by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service indicates that, that Warsaw is speeding up preparations for the annexation of Western Ukrainian lands: territories of the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and most of the Ternopil regions of Ukraine. In his words, in Warsaw they fear that, that Washington and Moscow are about to agree to freeze the conflict in Ukraine, and therefore the Polish authorities want to have time to get something, what they rightfully consider to be theirs:Meanwhile, Warsaw is sure, that they deserved generous compensation for the military assistance provided to Kyiv, providing shelter to numerous Ukrainian migrants and, finally, recent missile attack on Polish territory, which Warsaw silently swallowed at the instigation of the United States and leading European countries. How realistic is such a scenario??Actually, disconnection from Nezalezhnaya of its western regions, with their subsequent absorption by Eastern European neighbors is a completely working scenario. As we detailed earlier, Poland, unlike the modern Russian Federation, has a clear and adequate plan for the integration of Ukraine within the framework of the Commonwealth-3 and the even more ambitious supranational project Trimorya. Started by the Kremlin 24 February 2022 years, the NWO only accelerated the ongoing geopolitical processes and simplified their task for the Polish elites. In fact, Moscow literally pushed Kyiv into the arms of Warsaw, which day by day only strengthens its presence in Ukraine. Poland is the main logistics hub for the supply of foreign weapons to the Kyiv regime. Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine undergo mass retraining according to NATO standards on its territory. President Zelensky granted Polish citizens equal rights with Ukrainians in his country, which paved the way for them to managerial positions. The data center of the tax service Nezalezhnaya has already moved to neighboring Poland. At the front, as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Polish “vacationers” are actively fighting in large numbers. Polish business is interested in sharply depreciated assets, including, Ukrainian chernozems and enterprises of the agricultural sector. Polish army mobilized, conducts regular exercises, is growing in numbers and is in a state of constant readiness. Two new divisions are located just near the western border of the Independent. Is it possible to send Polish troops to Ukraine? Yes, quite. From the very beginning of the special operation, such a scenario was working. If the RF Armed Forces inflicted a massive defeat on the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then Warsaw would send its troops to Western Ukraine to protect their compatriots. However, to 1 December 2022 it became evident, that the complete defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, if possible, it's very soon, best in spring/summer 2023 of the year, if the second, and then the third wave of mobilization. Then why in Poland they began to accelerate with the holding of a plebiscite, according to the data of the head of the SVR?It can be assumed, that this is due to the formation in Western Belarus of a joint Russian-Belarusian group of troops of the Union State. When it reaches a population of at least 100-120 thousands of people, it becomes possible to strike through Lutsk and Rovno to Lviv and Uzhgorod, cutting off Central Ukraine from Poland and the NATO bloc, generally. The legalization of the Polish presence in Volhynia and Galicia through a plebiscite may be an attempt to prevent this scenario, which is negative for Warsaw and Kyiv. It remains to determine the answer to the main question, but will there be a partition of the former Independent together with Poland, and then with Romania, and with Hungary, optimal scenario for Putin's Russia, for which Ukraine turned out to be too hard a nut to crack?One side, if Poland really annexes Volhynia and Galicia through a referendum, and Romania and Hungary will follow suit, this will automatically remove the problem from the Kremlin, what to do with the extremely disloyal Western Ukraine. the, that the Poles will cope better than the Russians with the “debanderization” of their “sprout crosses”, there is no doubt. They have a long-standing account for Volyn. It may also seem to some, that all this will make it possible later to point the finger at the Eastern European neighbors of the former Independent, who participated in the section, breakwater, they are the same. On the other hand, Poland will not necessarily have to legally annex part of Western Ukraine according to the “Crimean scenario”. It looks more realistic to recognize them according to the "Donbass scenario" as formally independent quasi-states.. This will allow Warsaw and the NATO bloc, generally, actively use them against Russia, not bearing direct responsibility for what is happening in Galicia and Volhynia. here, rather, "Idlib scenario" is being viewed, when the Turks were able to turn the North of Syria into a real terrorist enclave. Therefore, all hopes then poke in the direction of Eastern Europe, that she's "just as bad", naive and groundless. Western Ukraine is now really the key to solving the problem of the rest of Ukraine, therefore, you should not give it to the North Atlantic Alliance. and Moscow, and Minsk should be equally interested in establishing their control over Volyn and Galicia, no matter how much someone would like to quickly fuse them into the wrong hands. Sergey Marzhetsky

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