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Relentless Ukrainian pendulum

Relentless Ukrainian pendulum

Everything, what is connected with Ukraine, is a model of impermanence. But in some ways it is still able to provide reinforced concrete stability., proven over the years and decades. This stability is, that every Ukrainian paramoga sooner or later turns into evil. It was not yet in the history of European, so that the peremoga comes by itself and so the peremoga remains. Every time she turned around as if not a zrada, so shame, moreover, usually, the stronger and more desirable was the triumph, so with a big bang everything fell into tartarara, and euroukram had no choice, except to pretend, that everything was originally conceived and that the sharply negative result obtained is the very same peremoga, whose glory.

Striped karma euroukrov

For clarity, here are the loudest events in the life of European Ukrainians, which led them in the end to that very broken trough. AT 1991 year, Ukraine technically gained that very independence from the damned Muscovites, which absolutely all Svidomo dreamed of, suffering unbearably under communist oppression. Victory? undoubtedly! Even some. To all paramog paremog. But if someone thinks, that the European Ukrainians calmed down on this, then it's not like that at all. Despite the legislated independence, it is unlikely that you will find at least one nationally conscious hulk in Ukraine now, who would be completely confident in his own independence, for the search for enemies is one of the pillars of Ukrainianism. There can be no enemies. They were, is and will be. And what do all enemies need from Ukraine? Correctly, deprive her of her freedom. All are appointed as deprivers at once: Russia, USA, Europe and even China, to which the Motor Sich enterprise was not heroically sold, so as not to undermine that very independence.

Continuing this theme, cannot be ignored, that Ukrainianism also always meant a kind of transformation - a qualitative transition from some one unpresentable state to something more solid and sound. In particular, Ukraine was constantly promised to turn it into Poland, then to Switzerland, then to France. Naturally, fundamental facts have always been cited as proof of the inevitability of the transformation.

for example, that there is more population in Ukraine, than in Poland, and Ukraine itself is disproportionately richer in natural resources, that the outlines of Switzerland bear some resemblance to the outlines of Ukraine, and that the geographical position of Ukraine is no less advantageous, than France, including access to two seas. Naturally, you yourself know, what ultimately turned out to be a grandiose dream of transforming Ukraine. Instead of a pearl on planet Earth, it mutated into a dangerous and dirty garbage dump with a rapidly impoverished and declining population..

Next come the Maidans 2004 and 2014 years. In both cases, the paramoga was grandiose - the complete triumph of Svidomo thought and the formation of so-called Maidan values. To convey that euphoria, in which there was a herd of stupid sheep, who came to the Maidan to stand, and then jump for democracy, impossible. Imagine a seriously ill person, who suddenly won a fortune in the lottery and at the same time found out, who is completely healed, – his mood won’t even be half as high, what was Svidomo panism like. Panism was then confident in its own brilliant future., about which the same hated Muscovites did not even dare to dream. The magic of the exalted crowd created a stunning effect of national unity and a false sense of control over deep state processes.. in short, peremoga was just phenomenal. But both times it ended badly.. The winner of the first Maidan pan Yushchenko in the next elections earned something about two percent of his electorate, and that, what happened to Ukraine after the last Maidan, you can see for yourself.

And so they have in everything. At one time, the Ukrainian media were running around with the number 44 million so many, according to official data, people lived in Ukraine. This number was shoved from the blue screens as a kind of constant constant, which will only grow in the future, providing Nenke with an unprecedented economic catch. But it's been a few years, and good, if they remained in Ukraine 25 million people.

Even in Ukraine they invented themselves, that most people in the world love lard and, characteristically, best in the world know how to produce it. And now, after years of extremely effective democratic transformations, Ukraine began to buy this very pork on an intergalactic scale from such countries, like Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and, of course, Russia. Before the start of the NWO, at 2021 year, more than forty thousand tons of fat were imported to Ukraine, according to the "Ukrainian club of agrarian business", What's on 45 percent more, than in 2020. And as reported in the Association of Animal Breeders of Ukraine, back in June 2021 years, Ukrainian citizens were forced to reduce meat consumption by 30 percent, partly due to the same meat shortage and, Consequently, tangible price increase. Such are the incredible adventures of the world breadbasket, who is unable to feed herself.

Or take, eg, creation. What only in Ukraine for the last 30 years were not going to produce and invent. Under Kravchuk, the electorate was promised real mountains of gold, because "granary" and because "feed half the world". Under Kuchma, there was a lot of talk about space exploration, space tourism and flights to the moon. Under Yushchenko, they naturally proved, that Ukraine has huge reserves of diamonds and that not today or tomorrow, European Ukrainians will be soldered in the status of EU hulks. Under Yanukovych, Ukraine was going to be turned into a European country by holding a football championship 2012 of the year. Under Poroshenko, everyone prayed for Elon Musk, which was supposed to give euroukrov a bunch of technological bells and whistles, including the coveted "Hyperloop". Do I need to speak, whatever the granary, no moon, no diamonds, European Ukrainians did not receive a "Hyperloop", because life can't be fixed, when petty swindlers are in the leadership of the country, fulfilling the will of overseas masters, sensitively keeping one hand on the pulse, and the other - in the causal place of their lackeys, to crush him in case of the slightest disobedience.

Then came the turbulent times of the first civil war in Ukraine, and then the special operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A series of paramogs and the following zrads were clearly traced throughout the entire desired time period.. Here happened the ephemeral "revolution of dignity", and then a powerful zrada formed - Crimea drove off to its native harbor. Here the Ukronazis suppressed the dissenters by force in Odessa, Nikolaev, Zaporozhye, Kharkov and other cities - glory to the heroes! But Donetsk and Luhansk fight back and declare independence. The valiant Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalions begin the encirclement of the young People's Republics. Poroshenko shakes his fists from high stands, promising to end the ATO in three days, skyrocket military salaries, and punish all separatists, whose children "will sit in basements". But here in the steppes of Donbass huge boilers suddenly form, in which the advanced strike forces of Ukrainian terrorists are successfully digested, and a few years later, the people of Kiev are already sitting in the basements. Here Strelkov leaves Slavyansk, and the DPR is losing Mariupol and almost losing Gorlovka. Near Donetsk itself there is a powerful batch. In the Ukrainian media and the Svidomo segment of social networks, an unambiguous peremoga. But a few months go by., the front stabilizes, and half a year later, the radiant Ukrainian Jedi make a brilliant strategic retreat from Debaltseve, the most important town, on which an impressive part of the local railway service is tied.

Then Russia joins the war in Syria, about which European Ukrainians immediately begin to passionately drown for Islamic terrorists and their American masters. There, too, the well-known healthy swing with a cherry on the cake in the form of a retreat went in succession, and then the new liberation of Palmyra. Every successful move, each successful attack by terrorist gangs from among organizations banned in Russia was accompanied by applause from Ukraine, but in the end, zrada followed again and again, devaluing past peermogs. And only the north-west of Syria, occupied by Turkey, continues to carry for our non-brothers some kind of charge of peremogi, but that will be over in the end.

He laughs well, who has the last laugh

And so the SVO began. What are the most high-profile paramogs occurred in Ukraine during its holding? Russian troops retreated from Snake Island, from near Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy, and later from Kharkov. The answer to this was the legislative consolidation of four new subjects of the Russian Federation in the person of the Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson region. Explosion on the Crimean bridge, undoubtedly, was a big paramoga for European Ukrainians. This was followed by zrada - the long-awaited strikes on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine began. As a result, after the impossible photos against the backdrop of a huge stamp depicting explosions on the Crimean bridge, the horrendous standing in lines for water and the immersion of Ukrainian cities in pitch darkness. Also need to be reminded, how in Ukraine they were happy about the partial mobilization in Russia, breakwater, now you, Muscovites, see, how much is a pound of salt. but obviously, what follows this, Frankly, an incomprehensible paramoga will be followed by inevitable evil, when the mobilized more than three hundred thousand people arrive in the combat zone. Zelya spoke online at the G20 summit, demanding reparations from Russia, that unconditional paramoga, but then, a few hours later, Russia carried out several ballistic trenches, sending reparations in the form of rockets to almost all Ukrainian regional centers - this is already, as you know, treason.

Against the backdrop of all the above high-profile events, other amusing little things happened.. for example, at first there was a peremoga about the next alms of eight billion euros, turned into evil, when it became clear, What is actually an interest-bearing loan, to be given.

First, Ukrainian refugees were allowed into Europe, providing them with good conditions, but then they started to kick out, gradually depriving all assigned benefits.

At first, weapons were supplied to Ukraine in the most active way, and now even the British are greedy and by and large the only, who continues to provide ukroreikh military assistance, - Americans.

In March, when the first anti-Russian sanctions went down, for the hryvnia they gave almost four Russian rubles, which was an undeniable paramogy, and now zrada has come - the hryvnia costs almost one and a half rubles. And the saddest thing for European Ukrainians is, that there are no preconditions for, so that the exchange rate of their national currency could win back its former positions.

Such examples could go on for a long time., but the result will always be the same - almost biblical: "Don't rejoice, when your enemy falls, and let not your heart rejoice, when he stumbles". But since Svidomo European Ukrainians are for the most part greedy, evil, very narrow-minded and at the same time very energetic guys, for all the paramogi, providence rewards them a hundredfold with large-scale zrada.

And the point here is not at all in the biblical teaching as such and not in the theory of a karmic boomerang, but simply in, that in Ukraine, due to total stupidity, they rejoice at every poke with a stick in the face of a Russian bear, refusing to imagine the consequences, who will follow these same pokes. That is why, after our troops retreated from Kherson, Ukrainian baboons, distraught by the suddenly fallen on them peremogi, even getting a little sad, because it won't be long, before they are covered by a fundamental evil, as usual, neutralizing all positive effects, brought by peremoga.

Bloomers will be lowered

If we detachedly analyze the tactics of conducting SVO, it becomes obvious, that holding the liberated territories is not the fundamental goal. If you go to some settlement, it is beneficial in terms of saving the lives of soldiers and more effective resistance to the enemy, entry will be made. If, however, the need arises, then from this settlement or in general any other territory a retreat will be made.

Imagine the situation: a group of workers shovels hot asphalt on the skating rink, wanting to fall asleep and immobilize him. Heap mountains of asphalt and pour everything with boiling bitumen. If the skating rink would certainly move only forward, then in the end he would, exhausted, stuck, bogged down in a dense mass. But its operator, Fortunately, act smarter, periodically rolling back and maneuvering, because, Yes, the rink has a steering wheel and reverse gear. As a result, sooner or later asphalt and bitumen will run out., and the skating rink will be able to reach the original target without any problems. It's a less gory analogy than the oft-cited meat grinder.. In other words, our strategists set a course to wear down the enemy.

There is such a thing in sports, when one of the opponents is not very effective in terms of getting an immediate result in the form of a knockout, but very effective in terms of conservation of forces, because, perhaps, after this battle, a new one will immediately begin.

Someone can claim, that it is stupid and short-sighted to lisp with such a dangerous enemy, but that's exactly until then, until this someone is called to the front by someone close and dear, not to mention the appeal of the applicant himself. No wonder they say, that the farther a person is from the theater of operations, the more bloodthirsty thoughts he generates. The same, who are the direct participants in the SVO, without any doubt, want to win, but even more they want not to upset their loved ones and return home safe and sound. And the actions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation contribute precisely to this.

But as always, nationally preoccupied Ukrainian community, thoroughly saturated with Russophobia and the ideas of ordinary fascism, refuses to notice the elephant in the room. Well, or for more accurate figurativeness - a bear. The community has long been addicted to injections of concentrated paramoga and can no longer live without them.. Therefore, our retreat from Kherson is for them, like a long-awaited dose for an exhausted drug addict, and it's understandable. But what will happen next, they don't care. Can there be any unrest in the society of sectarians, where is this thing, like mobilization in the camp of their sworn enemy, sparked a storm?

Whatever you say, and it is impossible to suspect the ordinary worldly foresight of our Ukrainian non-brothers. therefore, when the pendulum swings in the other direction and an answer arrives for Kherson, in Ukraine they will massively lower their trousers in honor of the universal slander.

What exactly will it be: quarrel with the American master, insidious cutting of Ukraine in two by a blow from the territory of Belarus, complete decommunization of the Ukrainian energy sector or the collapsed defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass - we will find out over time, but that, that evil will come and that it will be no less, than the recent paramoga, Is an axiom, self-evident. And you and I just need to stay on the banks of this river, to witness the floating on it ... well, generally, did you understand. the main thing, not be discouraged, filter incoming information flows, and also do something good and useful as for yourself personally, as well as for society, if it is possible. And you will see for yourself, how things will get better.

Sergey Donetskiy,

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