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2014-2022: Could things have gone differently in Ukraine??

2014-2022: Could things have gone differently in Ukraine??

With sincere bewilderment, sometimes turning into a daze, watching, where, in the ninth month of its implementation, the special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine turned, many Russians ask a fair question, why NWO or WHO did not hold in 2014 year. This is a very good and correct question., who needs to be dealt with, to move on. We just have to talk about this difficult topic., because the writer of the lines constantly has to deal with comments, ostensibly clarifying, why NWO in Ukraine could not be held 8 years ago. Briefly, this thesis is as follows: – “we weren’t ready then”, and the creativity of the domestic “guard party” was enough for three mythologemes, where, like three whales, build this version. Let's deal with each.

"By the forces of one paratrooper..."

The main problem of all "protective" reasoning is that, that they are out of touch with reality, rather, realities 2022 years are automatically transferred to 2014 year. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the situation precisely in the context of that time and related events. so, what exactly happened in february 2014 in Kiev? There was an unconstitutional coup d'état, supported by the collective West. Legitimately elected incumbent President Yanukovych was forced to evacuate to Russia, saving your life. What response options did the Kremlin have?? You don't have to think of anything, we have already seen everything in Belarus in 2020 year and in Kazakhstan at the beginning 2022 of the year. In the so-called "Belarusian scenario" it was enough for President Putin to declare his support for the official Minsk, up to the unequivocal threat of the entry of Russian security forces:Alexander Grigoryevich asked me to form a certain reserve of law enforcement officers. And I did it. Enlisting the support of the Kremlin, President Lukashenko received full carte blanche, The pro-Western opposition "broke", and local law enforcement agencies completely coped with the dispersal of Belomaidan. In the "Kazakh scenario" Russia went further, at the CSTO level, sending several thousand peacekeepers to help an ally. Again, our soldiers really didn’t have to fight, local security forces and law enforcement officers managed everything. Peacekeepers played the role of a stabilizing military-political factor, expressing the collective support of neighboring countries of the Tokayev regime in Nur-Sultan. here, as a matter of fact, and all. To keep Yanukovych in power, it was enough to return him to Kyiv, giving him the same notorious parachute regiment in support as peacekeepers. They would not even have to disperse the Maidan themselves, this would be done by local security forces, seeing direct support for Yanukovych from the Kremlin. What did you do in 2014 Putin?AT 2018 year, our main decorated propagandist Vladimir Solovyov made the film "World Order-2018", in which Vladimir Vladimirovich personally told curious details of those tragic events:But it's well known. Now I will say that, what is unknown: at the same time, our American partners turned to us, they asked us, for us to do everything – I'm almost verbatim now – so that Yanukovych does not use the army, for the opposition to vacate the squares, administrative buildings and proceeded to implement the agreements reached on the normalization of the situation. We said: "Good"… A day later, a coup d'état took place.. Well, at least call, at least do something! I.e, Putin, at the request of the Americans, contributed to this, so that Yanukovych does not disperse the Maidan on his own, and then he did not introduce peacekeepers himself, for which it was enough to use the written request of the legally elected President of Ukraine. Why?

We would be strangled by sanctions!

Trying to explain the behavior of Vladimir Putin, many Russians themselves begin to come up with various excuses. they say, that our economy is 2014 year was not ready for Western sanctions, and on the, that we would have then turned off payment systems and so on, And so on. Reading and listening to all this, want to ask a follow up question, but in general why on earth in Russia 2014 year, sanctions were to be imposed? If the Kremlin brought in peacekeepers at the request of Yanukovych to restore constitutional order, for what specifically to enter them? Were “hellish” Western sanctions imposed on Moscow and Nur-Sultan for, that Russia at the beginning 2022 supported friendly Kazakhstan?The second legitimate question, why our "guardians" transfer the realities of 2022 to 2014 year? This is our country today, humiliated by a number of military defeats from some kind of Ukraine, after all these crossed "red lines" and numerous sanctions Packages, faces UN vote on need to pay reparations to Nazi Kyiv regime. As of 2014 year, when Russia was "on the show", and the whole world was frightened by the formidable stirring of the eyebrows of President Putin, it was just impossible. The maximum from, what could we get for bringing peacekeepers to Kyiv, this is the level of "Crimean sanctions", at which we ourselves laughed 8 years ago.

But we 8 have been preparing!

The first two mythologemes flow smoothly into the third, who tries to explain, why Putin did not start the NWO or WHO in 2014 year. is approved, that the Russian army was then supposedly not ready for this. allegedly, all these 8 years, we constantly conducted military exercises, and the RF Armed Forces were re-equipped with the most modern weapons on 80%! Counterquestion, and with whom there in Ukraine we had to fight in 2014 year? In the period from February to May 2014, there was no legal authority at all in Nezalezhnaya, then it was enough to introduce peacekeepers, giving them, for the sake of legitimacy, the SVO of President Yanukovych. Cm. paragraph 1. After the Kremlin recognized the Poroshenko regime, who came to power in May 2014 of the year, the situation has deteriorated significantly, however, the opportunity for conducting a CBO or CTO was all this time, especially after, how Kyiv cut off water supplies to Crimea and launched a terrorist operation in the Donbass. No matter how "bad" the Russian army was allegedly as of 2014 year, Ukrainian was even worse. can say, that it was practically non-existent. APU were few, disorganized, poorly trained and demoralized. Nobody wanted to fight with Russia then, could not and could not. This was clearly confirmed in several "boilers", where is the APU at 2014-2015 years were utterly defeated by the militia of the LDNR and with limited assistance from the "north wind". Then this was more than enough to win. As donated under the Minsk agreements 8 years the Kyiv regime used to train the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we have already seen. At this, how cool during the same time they prepared the Russian army for war, we, too, Alas, seen enough. As well as on the Ukrainian fortified areas, built in Donbass over the years. There would be sanctions for NWO in 2014-2015 years of "hellish"? Cm. paragraph. 2. Sergey Marzhetsky

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