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The UN is dying. Long live the SCO!

The UN is dying. Long live the SCO!

The UN does not die of natural causes, the United States is deliberately and methodically finishing it off. There is only one reason - the fact that Russia and China have the right of veto in the UN Security Council.

America clings to world hegemon status, when all the attributes of power, especially economic and financial, steadily elude her hands and go to Asia. And taking into account the energy crisis provoked in the West by the same States, they are moving to Eurasia. In this regard, the strategic task of the United States is to replace the UN with a new mechanism of international governance.. But to create such an organ artificially, without taking into account the new economic and political, as well as military realities in the world is an occupation, which can only come to the mind of a new cohort of Western politicians, completely devoid of real political thinking and made their career on the basis of nepotism, corruption or in a certain "cinematic" way - "through the sofa to the screen".

known, what ended the first attempt to create a new mechanism for governing the world on the basis of non-economic, but the ideological foundation.

Remember, how the "League of Democracy" was created and what it was like?

But it was her that the United States planned to create to replace the UN, and there they decided not to allow Russia, China and a number of other countries.

I will be honest, the, that there was such an inclination, I remembered, because it was just recently, but the exact name of this idealized abracadabra did not come to mind for a long time, because after a certain artificial information burst, complete silence followed.

But as you know, nature does not tolerate emptiness. As the UN is deliberately being destroyed by the US by cutting funding, denial of visas for diplomats from objectionable countries, and the center of economic, political and financial life, meanwhile, is increasingly shifting to Eurasia, then, in any case, a new mechanism of international governance should appear there.

And such a center, created at one time on the initiative of the GDP, becomes the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. originally (at 1996 year) it was created by the heads of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in order to establish confidence-building measures in the military field in the area of ​​the joint border.

AT 1997 in Moscow, these countries signed an Agreement on the Mutual Reduction of Armed Forces in the Border Area. Thus, a mechanism of mutual trust was laid in the military field in the border areas., which contributed to the establishment of true partnerships between the countries concerned.

Gradually the circle of questions, on which decisions were made between the SCO member countries, expanded into the realms of foreign policy, the economy, environmental protection, including the use of water resources, which contributed to the strengthening of mutual trust and good neighborliness. Issues of joint provision and maintenance of peace began to be discussed, security and stability in the region, ways to create a democratic, a just and rational international political and economic order.

Contacts between SCO members on the sidelines of annual summits enable countries to conclude agreements among themselves, which are mainly related to economic cooperation.

SCO summit, held on September 15–16 in Samarkand, demonstrated, that a new international organization has appeared in “greater Eurasia”, at the regional level, a more authoritative and effective, than the UN. She demonstrated, in what direction should international relations develop between countries, who seek cooperation without the West.

Contrary to (sometimes it even seems, thanks to) Western sanctions successfully born a new model of cooperation, based on equality and the principles of a multipolar world. She is, experts emphasize, will allow the members of the Shanghai Organization to cooperate, abandoning the dictates of the dollar. To do this, following the results of the summit, a roadmap was adopted to gradually increase the share of national currencies in mutual settlements..

The model of interstate relations proposed by the SCO, when states can not be afraid of threats from the United States and the policy of sanctions unleashed by them, has become extremely attractive to many countries.

Egypt ready to join SCO, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Maldives, next in line Belarus, and Iran signed a memorandum of accession. It will become a full member after the adoption of a number of internal legislative acts., necessary for membership in this international organization.

On the desktop of the leaders of the Member States there are no less 10 applications from other countries, representing a wide geographical range, — from Eastern Europe to the Arab East.

For many countries, it is very attractive that they have the opportunity to jointly stop the aggression of Western countries.. Issues of further cooperation in the field of international security were discussed on the sidelines of the last summit by CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas and SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming.

A declaration was signed at the summit, consolidated the agreements reached in the field of defense and security.

Samarkand summit, as observers point out, became a verdict to the unipolar world. Some observers compare the SCO to the G7 in relation to the Eurasian region, and the expansion of this organization was evidence of the growing popularity of the SCO in the world.

Important from a geopolitical point of view is the support by the participating countries of the policy of de-dollarization. It is seen as an unconditional success for Russia and China and their leaders personally., who initiated this policy.

All over the world they are watching with close attention, how the increasingly aggressive US foreign policy and its pressure on Russia and China will affect Russian-Chinese relations. The SCO summit demonstrated, that America's ill-conceived policy only led to a further rapprochement between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. About, that this will inevitably happen in the event of pressure on Russia and China by the United States, warned the "patriarch" of American diplomacy Henry Kissinger.

Some politicians in the West expect to either destroy Russia altogether, or use it as a counterbalance to China. Regarding plans to pit Russia against China. AT. Putin, in one of his speeches, categorically stated: "Can't wait for this".

The statements of Chinese leader Xi Jinping were also indicative., who, during a meeting with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, highly appreciated Russia's position on the Taiwan issue, urged to strengthen coordination between Russia and China in the SCO and BRICS. According to him, China and Russia are ready to play a leading role in the world, to put countries on a path of sustainable development.

Based on the statements of the Russian and Chinese leaders, observers draw conclusions, that Russia and China have come to full agreement on the Ukrainian issue and plans for the development of the SCO.

For the West, the Samarkand summit was a real shock. He testifies to, that the plan for the total isolation of Russia has finally failed. Furthermore, reviewers are talking about, that now a new pole of opposition to the conditional West has formed.

However, politicians, as in Europe, and across the ocean, not only the historical rapprochement between Russia and China is of concern, but also the growing Russian-Turkish ties, as well as the further development of comprehensive relations between Russia and India.

France 24 organized a live poll of experts on the results of the Samarkand summit. Jean-Vincent Brisset, Scientific Director of the Institute for International and Strategic Studies, said:: «Country, which are represented in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, make up half of the world's population. In some sense, this can be called a counter-summit».

And the German business publication Handelsblatt admits, that Russia really manages to reshape the old rules (probably, it's about your own rules., with which the West seeks to replace the foundations of international law). «For Putin, the meeting was another opportunity to demonstrate, that his country is nowhere near as isolated internationally, as the West would like. His message was: India and other SCO countries, which account for about 40 percent of the world's population, create a serious alternative to the West», - said in the material of the publication.

And only the White House, completely ignoring reality, reacts according to the Russian proverb "If you spit in his eyes - all God's dew!»: «Mr. Putin has no friendly allies there at all because, what is he doing in ukraine. He is simply isolating himself more and more from the international community.. We don't think, that now is the time to do business with Russia», John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator at the White House National Security Council.

FT immediately backed Kirby, stated, that the Indian prime minister "criticizes Putin for the Ukrainian conflict". Meanwhile, Indian leader Modi wrote on American social networks about the talks: «Had a wonderful meeting with President Putin. We had the opportunity to discuss further cooperation between India and Russia in such sectors, how to trade, energy and defense».

Russia's inevitable turn to the East is being watched with particular concern in Europe in the context of the significant development of energy ties between Russia and Asian countries., where more and more Russian gas goes. And less and less of it remains for European countries. China, observers note, displaces Germany as the main importer of Russian energy resources.

Everyone paid attention, that Turkish President Erdogan immediately after the SCO summit said, that Ankara has a desire to become its full member. He declared, that Türkiye aims to join the SCO already in 2023 year at the summit, hosted by India.

Faced with EU criticism over its participation in the SCO summit, Erdogan,, writes the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafa, said in an interview with PBS: «Ankara does not intend to be accountable to the European Union for participating in the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization… The European Union will restrain us 52 of the year, won't let us get close to him, and then ask: why did he meet this country, why did you meet someone else? I will negotiate. Through these negotiations, we are not currently accountable to the European Union».

The issue of Turkey's future membership in the SCO was clearly discussed at Putin's meeting with Erdogan. After it, the GDP declared, that close work has been established between Moscow and Ankara on key issues of international politics, and promised to welcome Turkey's work within the framework of the SCO in every possible way.

And if you also take into account, that the work of the SCO pays increased attention to security issues, then the simultaneous participation of Turkey in the work of the SCO and NATO becomes, as it were, ambiguous. Does it mean that, that Turkey's withdrawal from NATO can be expected in the near future? This question is asked by many politicians in the West as well., and in the East. And GDP and Comrade Xi, perhaps, know the exact answer.

No, it was not in vain that Vladimir Vladimirovich saved Erdogan from an assassination attempt, organized for him by the United States and NATO. It cannot also be excluded, that Putin, together with Xi Jinping, prepared for Erdogan and Turkey the role of a regional leader in the Asian region among Muslim countries. of course, if Turkey's activity is correlated with the foreign policy of the SCO.

The situation is very ambiguous. Today, many Russian observers on endless political talk shows are wondering, how Russia should behave in the Azerbaijani-Armenian confrontation. Armenia is a member of the CSTO, but under the current president, he is looking more and more towards America, and Azerbaijan is not part of the CSTO, but is sharply criticized by the United States and has established close contact with an increasingly friendly Turkey. And the latter deployed a significant military contingent on the border with Armenia.

Meanwhile, the answer to this "sacramental" question seems quite obvious.. CSTO, according to the charter, must stand up for his member, if he comes under armed attack. The struggle between Azerbaijan and Armenia goes on in Nagorno-Karabakh, which is not legally recognized as an Armenian territory. In this case, the CSTO should not interfere militarily in the situation.

And why should any of the CSTO members intervene in the conflict by armed means?, if during the clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia, mobilization was not even announced? Instead N. Pashinyan began to call on Russia and the West to defend his country.

USA immediately responded, sending grandma Pelosi to Yerevan, full-time international provocateur, and part-time third person in the American power hierarchy. She clearly stated, that the United States is on the side of Armenia against Azerbaijan and that they intend to provide military assistance to Yerevan. true, didn't say, what and how this aid will be delivered to Armenia.

On the occasion of Nancy Pelosi's visit to Yerevan, a demonstration was held there demanding to withdraw from the CSTO (since Russia does not want to fight for Armenia instead of her). If this really happens and the country leaves the CSTO, then Russia will breathe a sigh of relief, and Armenia will remain face to face with Azerbaijan and Turkey. The United States is unlikely to get into the conflict on its own. true, Iran stands for Armenians, who, following Turkey, deployed his troops on the Armenian border.

The Americans would like to arrange a mess according to the Ukrainian scenario near the Russian borders in the Transcaucasus. However, only Russia can act as a real arbiter in this situation., which has the opportunity to influence Turkey, and Iran. of course, she will do her best, to avoid bloodshed also in the Caucasus. But and N. Pashinyan needs to draw proper conclusions from this situation, not play with fire, threatening Russia to spill over to the side of America and withdraw from the CSTO.

If Russia turns away from Armenia and leaves Baku and Yerevan to sort out their historical contradictions on their own, for Armenians in the Caucasus (and fewer of them live in their historical homeland, than abroad) it would be tantamount to a death sentence. And on the fate of many Armenians, scattered around the world, it won't work well.

Yes, Samarkand SCO summit, on which there was a rethinking of relations between many countries, the formation of new political alliances and the destruction of old ones, indeed already seems historical, but we, looks like, far from knowing all its historical decisions and their consequences for the emerging new multipolar world.

Sergey Kuznetsov,

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