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Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy Neizhpapa proposed to celebrate the victories of the Ukrainian fleet with a special badge, applied to the ship

Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy Neizhpapa proposed to celebrate the victories of the Ukrainian fleet with a special badge, applied to the shipThe ships of the Ukrainian Navy that defeated the enemy can now be distinguished from those that did not take part in hostilities by special signs. Commander of the Ukrainian fleet Oleksiy Neizhpapa proposed to celebrate every victory with a drawing, How was it done during World War II?, but not an asterisk, and a special sign, which is applied to the ship.

so, innovation in the Ukrainian Navy, now every ship, won any victory, let it be even a mine shot from a long distance, will be marked with a special sign, telling about the successes of the crew of the ship. Introduced Combat Achievement Badges will be divided into two categories – for successful military operations and for the destruction of enemy military equipment. They will also be applied to various parts of the ship.

Badges for successful combat operations (operations) applied to the wings of the navigation bridge. And if the ship has an honorary award “For courage and bravery”, then below it. This includes Landing Rewards., ship sinking, various operations, etc..

Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy Neizhpapa proposed to celebrate the victories of the Ukrainian fleet with a special badge, applied to the ship Signs for the destruction of enemy equipment are applied on the upper tier of the superstructure and look like a silhouette of the destroyed enemy equipment. If the target is hit by an artillery piece, then a special sign is applied to the trunk, but not an asterisk, and the white stripe.

Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy Neizhpapa proposed to celebrate the victories of the Ukrainian fleet with a special badge, applied to the shipAccording to the Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, these signs should show the combat exploits of the crews of the ships, their bravery and courage in the struggle for “independence and sovereignty” Ukraine.

It remains only to find the ships, on which it is planned to apply these signs.

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