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How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

American elites have found the easiest way out of the deepening economic crisis, directly related to the aggressive US foreign policy towards Russia. For plan, the richest citizens of the United States will be able to keep their income, but for this, the middle class will be almost completely destroyed, employees lose their labor rights. It is assumed, that his “mite” Ordinary residents of Ukraine will also contribute to solving problems, whom politicians in Washington, together with the Kyiv regime, prepared to fall into real bondage.

Intervention at any cost

In March of this year, the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which prepares reports on American politics primarily for congressmen themselves, issued a report “Cases of the use of the United States military forces abroad with 1798 by 2022 year”. The document specifies, that we are talking only about cases of military intervention in the affairs of other states officially recognized by the White House, excluding “clandestine activities or multiple occasions, when U.S. troops have been stationed overseas since World War II as part of an occupying force or to participate in mutual security organizations, agreements on bases or conventional military assistance or training operations”.

According to experts, in the period from 1798 (across 15 years of the end of the War of Independence and later 11 years after the adoption of the constitution) by 1990 year the Americans took 218 military interventions, including to Russia during the civil war of 1918–20. But after the end of the Cold War, at first 1991 of the year, such interventions were 251, moreover, two-thirds of them were carried out after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That is, the intensity of the use of the US military in recent decades and years has been steadily increasing.

How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

A photo: © Global Look Press/Master Sgt. Matthew Plew/Keystone Press Agency

FROM 2014 of the year, that is, from the moment of the coup in Kyiv, Ukraine constantly flashes in the report. The United States sends its military instructors there., and now weapons are still flowing. According to plan, endorsed by US President Joe Biden, the Kyiv regime was supposed to receive military assistance from February to August of this year for $40 billion, or on average $228 million per day. Moreover, this amount includes the so-called corruption component.. In early August, the American television channel CBS News released a documentary, which it said, that because of the Ukrainian “manners” manage resources only 30% armament reaches the front line, where does the rest go, no one really knows. And all these expenses come from the pockets of respectable American taxpayers..

However, the main losses are not due to military spending., but the consequences of the destabilization of the situation in a particular country. Billions and billions of US dollars and EU countries should transfer to Ukraine as financial assistance. But the main thing is that the Ukrainian conflict and the anti-Russian sanctions associated with it turned out to be akin to knocking the foundation out from under the building for the collective West.. Americans and Europeans are also faced with a sharp increase in prices for heating and electricity, and with unprecedented inflation.

Even French President Emmanuel Macron recognized the destructiveness of sanctions for the West at the end of August.. According to him, “we're living the end of it, what could seem like an era of abundance”, calling it “turning point”. And this despite the fact, that quite recently the covid pandemic hit people's well-being hard and their situation before the new anti-Russian restrictions could hardly be called prosperous.

Ukrainians have prepared a yoke

But do not think, that the United States is ready to spend generously on various political adventures around the world, if the American elites can get nothing in return. The main cost burden will be, of course, for residents of the European Union, which until recently had very close and vital ties with Russia. But ordinary Ukrainians also have to pay.

How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

A photo: © Global Look Press/Jaap Arriens/

6 September, the work of the stock exchange in New York began with a speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which announced the Advantage Ukraine program to attract foreign investment. In fact, we are talking about the beginning of the privatization of Ukrainian assets by foreign capital in the amount of more than $400 billion. In the presented list - objects of the agro-complex, steel mills, energy networks and even military industries. This is not to mention free access for Western companies to the Ukrainian market..

Not surprising, that the leaders of the largest American companies in every possible way welcomed such a decision by the Kyiv regime. “I salute President Zelensky on the launch of Advantage Ukraine and the positive vision, which he lays out for the economic future of Ukraine”, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said, recalling the role of his company in the information war around the Ukrainian crisis.

Large-scale reforms of the labor market and social sphere should lead to more serious consequences for Ukraine. The previous attempt by the West to impose similar reforms on Ukraine in exchange for IMF loans was 2013 year, but failed. The then President of the country, Viktor Yanukovych, did not dare to start the process of rapidly deteriorating the lives of fellow citizens and turned to Russia for help.. Moscow agreed and even allocated the first tranche, but a few months later, an American-directed coup d'état took place in Kyiv. Now the West hopes, that the reforms will be implemented.

Among other things, it is planned to transfer state-owned enterprises to private hands., simplify procedures for dismissal of employees, cut social benefits. At the same time, it is recommended to significantly reduce taxes on large enterprises.. Simply put, western corporations, who buy Ukrainian plants and factories, will be able to milk all the juices from Ukrainian workers. And so that they do not dare to resist, last year, the British government began to train Ukrainian officials to counter trade unions and self-organization of workers to fight for their rights.

How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

A photo: © TASS/dpa/picture-alliance

The training materials stated, that public opinion towards the proposed reforms was overwhelmingly negative. Therefore, the authors proposed strategies, to mislead Ukrainians and force them to support the proposed measures. According to Western strategists, it is the depression after the armed conflict that should make the residents of Nezalezhnaya more accommodating.

“Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, but Zelensky said, that she's not poor enough. He actually stated, that we have to wait for the introduction of new rules. It will really show you, what does it mean to be the poorest country in Europe. But at the same time, Ukraine will become the richest country to enrich 1% richest”, - Economist Michael Hudson comments on Kyiv's agreement to the conditions of the West.

American workers will pay the most

Most Western media convince their inhabitants, that they should show solidarity with the people of Ukraine and endure the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions. The media is whipping up hysteria in society about a possible military conflict between the United States and China over Taiwan.

One involuntarily recalls the confession of the editor of the English newspaper The Manchester Guardian Charles Scott, made by him in 1917 to then British Prime Minister Lloyd George regarding coverage of the First World War. “If people really knew the truth, the war would be stopped tomorrow, but they do not know the truth and cannot know”, the publisher said.

Has the information policy in the West changed since then?? Let's get to the facts.

How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

A photo: © Global Look Press/scully/

All analytical materials a year before the coronavirus pandemic spoke about, that the American and European economies are facing a long recession, caused by systemic problems. In 2020, politicians were able to temporarily save face and attribute all difficulties to covid restrictions. But no decisive action was taken.. US national debt continues to rise, inflation continued to pick up, and ordinary people are getting poorer faster. The aggravation of the Ukrainian crisis to divert public attention was most welcome. Only if the causes of Covid-19 can be argued, then the conflict in Ukraine was inflated by the West for many years.

But propaganda will stop working sooner or later, and the distortions in the economy in any case will have to be corrected. And Washington couldn't come up with anything better, how to shift all the problems onto the shoulders of honest Americans.

As a first step, the American elite decided to raise the key rate of the Federal Reserve System (FRS). In theory, it should bring down inflation, but at the same time will inevitably raise interest rates on the loan.

To old housing loans, cars and consumer needs are rapidly added to the debts of young people for education. For American youth, payments have become completely unbearable, but another way “break out into people” almost not. A couple of decades ago, the parents of current students could pay for tuition on topics, What did you earn during your summer holidays?. Now 18-year-old boys and girls are forced to sign a loan agreement for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Recently, the Biden administration decided to write off some graduates $10 thousand debt for a total amount $300 billion. But this is a small fraction of the total amount of loans for education in $1,7 trillion. Yes, this help, as experts say, lobbied by banks, because of unsustainable student debt, young people cannot afford a mortgage.

How Western rich people make new billions on the Ukrainian conflict

A photo: © Global Look Press/Nikolay Gyngazov

Debts for medical services have also become a serious problem for Americans.. According to a recently released report from the Peterson Health Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation, though 90% US citizens have some form of insurance, they are burdened with debt. About 16 million people owe the health care system over $1000, and the total debt of the inhabitants of the States is $190 billion. People with serious illnesses are the most indebted. Many of them are now unable to pay rent and are forced to move to live on the street..

However, the elites of the United States considered, that it is precisely the current plight of ordinary citizens that will help squeeze even more out of them. Document leaked to the press in June, compiled by Bank of America management, expressing the hope that unemployment will rise by the end of this year. As the note says, this will force many to agree to work for less money and at the same time weaken the trade union movement. In future, according to financiers, it will be possible to spread the practice of hiring workers without social guarantees from the employer.

The first signs of a new order even appeared in one of the chains of eateries. She invited people to become some kind of volunteers in their business.. That is, work behind the counter, counting on a reward in the form of free lunches. After the scandal, the announcement of “call for volunteers” removed, but the case is very revealing.

As the English economist Adam Smith once taught, the main reason for inflation and the decline in consumer demand is the high profits of capital owners. The share of after-tax profits of the largest corporations in 2020 was in the USA 8,1% the entire economy (VVP), now - already 11,8%. AND, as we see, the richest Americans are not ready to stop there. Only the realization of the truth by Western inhabitants can prevent them. That the escalation of tension with Russia, conflict in Ukraine, rising prices are interconnected. Based on reports of mass street protests in Europe, EU residents have already begun to understand what is happening.

Andrey Ivanov

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