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What you need to know about chemical burns

What you need to know about chemical burns

At home, at work, in the shop, chemical burns can occur in laboratories, that cause irreparable damage to health and appearance. What you need to know about acids and alkalis, to protect yourself and the premises as much as possible. Exposure to chemicals is different from thermal burns.

Using the pH base scale, which characterizes the quantitative measure of hydrogen in the compound, acid has a hydrogen ion concentration level of 0 to 7. Accordingly, alkalis have a pH of more 7. Neutral properties are possessed by substances with an indicator 7.

For acid, the lower the indicator, the higher the concentration of the solution, and the substance has aggressive properties. When interacting with metals, various salts are formed with the release of caustic gas and heat. The acids themselves are also quite dangerous.. You can get burns of varying degrees of eyes, skin in contact with the body, inhalation of toxic fumes. Funds, containing acid, can be found at home (pipe cleaners, bathrooms, battery fillers), in production when working with metals, glass, in laboratories as solvents.

Alkalis with high pH are very dangerous, evaporate quickly, can cause poisoning. When combined with an acid, a neutralization reaction occurs.

Important: if alkali or acid has come into contact with the skin, do not try to neutralize the substance yourself. Since the reaction takes place with the release of heat and you can additionally get a thermal burn.

Ways of damage to the body:

Through the mouth;
Skin lesion.

If the solution gets on the body, rinse with running water., do cold compresses, antibiotic ointments can be used, aloe juice, take painkillers.

Forbidden: lubricate the affected area with oil, egg white, ice, blister.

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