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You are a Banderaite?

You are a Banderaite?

Traveling the Internet, came across two biobots, who accused each other of crypto banditry. The dispute has already lost its logic and gone beyond the horizon of meaninglessness. But for some reason it became interesting, where it all started. After reviewing what was written, figured out, what everyone tried to prove, that he is more Russian, than his opponent, loves Russia more, etc.. d. And when the arguments in support of their positions ran out, everyone began to crush the enemy, accusing him of all mortal sins, one of which is and will be Banderaism. But since the debaters are terribly far from Ukrainian realities and understand, that it’s easy to fight off the accusation “you’re a Banderaite”, then another designation of the opponent was used as a battering ram - “you are a crypto-Banderist”, that is, a well-disguised Bandera member.

Watching their feeds, I was surprised by that, that they have almost nothing about Ukraine. And this is interesting. so, obtained, what, being Russian and having Russian interests, or they entered it themselves, or someone introduced the category “Banderaism” into their brains, which they don't even know, how to use it properly. Banderaism touched their lives, came in, so to speak, half a lump so far.

Must be mentioned, that I consider Banderaism evil. Absolute evil, pork, with a raging-smelling grin. But as with any evil, we interact with him too. And if we don't destroy it, but at least we are patient, we let this evil develop. maybe, it will reach us, that evil has already grown out of its pants and picked up a machine gun to shoot, and we will finally tear our butts off the cozy sofa and finally get down to harmonizing the world.

Who knows, what other options for interacting with evil will we experience?. Can, we will have to cooperate, agree, run from him, adapt to it, write about him, study it. Or the Motherland will throw us into the core of evil, so that we, like von Stirlitz, became part of it, blood, flesh and saw it from the inside. But Isaev was lucky. He had orders from the Motherland. What to do, when the Motherland is silent and does not calve? Likely, we must act according to our conscience as parts of a single whole - the Motherland.

What if the Motherland itself considers you an enemy?, but not because, that you committed treason and went over to the enemy side, but because, that today and right now she cannot protect you, and not only cannot protect, but also deprived of the right to declare, promise such protection. All this begs the question: under such circumstances, namely, the minimum entry of the Motherland into your life, without becoming a traitor, you would become a Banderaite? Even being absolutely sure, Moreover, I think that Ukraine should be destroyed.

At the same time, be sure not to betray, don't overstep yourself, don't lose your family, but get in the moment, when it is beneficial or acceptable for the Motherland, so that you end up in an a priori hostile environment, but today, for some reason, the Motherland needs, like “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

The topic is complicated also because, that Russians’ attitude towards betrayal during the Great Patriotic War was perceived through the images of Vlasov and Gil-Rodionov. Here we must go away from Russianness to the border and look, how to put a puzzle together, to force a person to stand under those banners?

maybe, the best place to start is with the First World War. She turned over the game boards, not allowing the pre-war past to significantly influence the course of events, canceled all previous relationships, on the other hand, gave birth to Frankenstein called Ukraine.

Another result of the First World War is that, that she removed the halftones. Before her, you could have been a Russian patriot at the same time, and germanophiloma, after it started - alas: you or on your side of the front line, or, moving to another, in fact, you become a traitor.

But Russia lost the First World War and lost Ukraine. The creation of a puppet German state began there. And here the question arose for the Russians: I am for Russia (red or white) or am I for Grushevsky’s Ukraine, Skoropadsky, Petlyura. Motherland (now everyone had their own) needed bayonets, and any side, at least until the end of 1920, willingly accepted those who wanted to fight under their banners. Given a choice from many warring parties, everyone could find Russianness or Ukrainianness to their liking and fight for it/him to their heart’s content. There was no need to endure a hostile system, become a traitor to yourself. In fact, red for red, white for white, etc.. d.

But with such a variety of warring parties, it is interesting to look at Galicia. passes 1918 year, The Triple Alliance is losing the war, Austria-Hungary disintegrates, and 19 October the Western Ukrainian People's Republic is proclaimed with its capital in Lviv. Before the war, more than half of the population in these lands were Ukrainians and Rusyns. But Mars has reaped its harvest, and enlightened European punitive forces almost completely destroyed subjects disloyal to Vienna. There simply could not be traitors to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, since they were all killed or expelled.

And here you understand, that this state was formed by Ukrainians, who faithfully served the Austro-Hungarian throne so, that they were even able to form into some kind of force, capable of laying claim to part of the ruins of the empire. It happened, that they lost the First World War, betrayed blood, but did not betray the suzerain.

The main difference in question, who to fight for, for a resident of Kyiv and Lvov was, that with us a person chose a side depending on his political preferences: social democrat or social revolutionary - for the reds, some social revolutionaries with a nationalistic foolishness - for future Petliurists, cadet - for whites, Octobrist or monarchist - for the pro-German hetman, anarchist - for Makhno, green in general for everything good, “money” and against everything bad. And at the same time, the attitude towards nationality as the eleventh factor, при котором еврейский генерал Николай Букретов мог спокойно стать казачьим атаманом.

В то же время в Галиции национальность была решающей. Если ты украинец или русин, a priori you could not be for the state of the Hungarians, Poles or Romanians. Moreover, if the Poles could gather their people from three collapsed empires plus emigrants, то русины-украинцы могли рассчитывать только на себя.

И вот тут наступает первый период, когда служение тому, что называется Украина, могло не противоречить Родине. Представь, что ты русин, который не был лоялен Австро-Венгрии и не убивал русских. Ты хотел воссоединения с Россией. Тебе повезло ― ты избежал Талергофа. May be, даже отступил с армиями генерала Николая Иванова в 1915-м. After the front for Austria in the east fell apart, Russia is over for everyone, and Russia began for everyone: you were able to get to the lands of your fathers and meet your family, с любимой женой и детьми (если их не пережевала Европа). И тут на твои земли заявляет права польская шляхта со своими холопами. And you start fighting for the Rusyn/Ukrainian language against the Polish, for the Uniate faith against the Catholic one, for the land of Red Russia, populated deeply by Russian people, против владельцев панских усадеб, against that, Who, как ты знаешь, будет тебя давить.

Not surprising, что для Галицкой армии, имеющей своими врагами поляков, было приемлемо уйти к белым (November 1919), а потом к красным (January 1920). Similar, как петлюровцам, whose enemy was the Reds, become part of the Polish army.

And if you didn’t chicken out during the spring offensive of the Poles on Kyiv, did not give up together with the Galicians, but remained faithful to the working people, ты смог еще ненадолго вернуться домой и вместе с 1-й Конной попытаться освободить Львов. Потом опять горечь поражения, и три года ожидания пожара мировой революции.

Но вскоре концепция мировой революции проиграла вместе с Львом Троцким ака Матерью Драконов. Армию сократили, и тебе уже не было в ней места. Если ты не дурак, ты понимал, что следующий всплеск и возможность вернуться домой в качестве победителя будет через поколение. Поэтому опять выбор: или насаждаемое большевиками украинство, на которое, eg, повелся Григорий Коссак, или родная земля под вражеской нацией, and therefore, надо вернуться и признать поражение с опущенной головой.

so, you (or already, likely, твой сын и наследник) живешь в Польше. This country, как и сегодняшняя Украина, день за днем убивает твою русскость, твое православие. Но межвоенный баланс сил не дает красным возможности сражаться. А другие украинские партии в той Польше такие же клоунские, как сегодняшние «оппозиционные» партии на Украине. И тут под руку попадается Украинская войсковая организация, а с 1929-го ― Организация украинских националистов. Someone says, что они проповедуют террор, кто-то ― что борьбу против душителей свободы твоего народа, but anyway, если ты хотел предпринять активные действия против того, кто убивает тебя, твою семью, твое село, твой народ, твою веру, других организаций для борьбы не было. Тем более с конца 1923 года СССР и Коминтерн почти отказались от внешних силовых акций. In this way, огрызаясь и кусая поляков, ты мог и удовлетворить свою потребность в борьбе, и в то же время придумать благое объяснение, что помогаешь своей Большой Родине, когда она вынуждена улыбаться на дипломатических приемах с шампанским, бороться с многовековым врагом.

Quite possible, что именно те члены ОУН, которые могли так думать, и отошли от деятельности организации после воссоединения украинских земель в 1939 year. И точно так же члены УПА (1942–1949), которые видели в УПА не инструмент по вырезанию русских, а убежище, «мафию», at least some structure to protect the Ukrainian people and faith, when the partisans appeared, they went over to the Reds, became agents, and then by the soldiers of the Red Army. Especially on the background of the, что партизанская зима 1941–1942 года была полностью провальной, а истые галичане говорили «фу» «бандьорам» и шли в СС. Это потом уже, когда мы покончили с СС, они потянулись в УПА.

Yet again, one can compare the intensity of actions of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists of all factions against the Poles (massacre from Volyn to Zhitomir) and their struggle against Soviet power.

What about you, to the faithful son of the Fatherland, do in this codel? clear, what if I swore allegiance to the USSR, then you have to fight your way with all your might, get to the front. As a last resort, go to the nearest partisan detachment. But if he fought off his own in Galicia? If you understand, that you won't pass, as Mikhail Naumov? Why are you so unlucky?, and instead of partisans there are only Banderaites nearby? There's not much choice here: or to the camp, or to work in the Reich, or in police officers. In this way, any group in the forest with blurred orientation, even a gang, even better, than serving the aggressor.

Now let's move on to our days. clear, as the APU, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the SBU, и разные националистические боевые организации заточены исключительно под убийство русских. Question in another, будут ли они это делать, когда придет приказ, will be able to, захотят ли?

Anyway, пока есть Украина, любой ее служитель с оружием в руках ― враг России, враг русскому народу.

Но пройдет время, и тот тотальный mismanagement, который суть Украины, даст о себе знать, уничтожив ее структуру. Considering the strengthening of people on earth, "war lords" will appear. This already happened during the Civil War. Oles Buzina somehow counted more 30 state entities in Ukraine. It is not excluded, that there would be more of them, do not destroy Big players regularly one of them. And if now the Big Players “smoke on the sidelines”, enjoying a replica of Chinese chaos 1911–1949? maybe, states "warlords" will cover more?

And then, considering all the shades of the rainbow, every resident of the former Ukraine, who did not retreat to Russia and did not go to fight for the DPR/LPR, найдет себе сторону по вкусу. Будет ли осуждать Россия на своих ток-шоу и Уголовным кодексом тех, кто сражается за болгар Болграда против арабов и галичан Одессы? Кого поддержит Россия: еврейских мальчиков, которые десантируются с автоматами в столицу хасидизма, или последователей Ивана Гонты? А если вместо прогонтийских сил Умань будет окружена мужеложцами из «Торнадо» (banned in the Russian terrorist organization)? Will Russia help Lemko villages?, who, in the absence of Russians and Poles, will be the first to be slaughtered by the Banderaites of Galicia? We or Poland will help the Poles of the Zhytomyr region fight against the Ukrainians? (Do not be surprised, if Polish villages will receive Russian machine guns and provisions, and Poland will support local Ukrainians, who, according to the old tradition, will slaughter the Poles.)

And here comes the understanding, what if the leadership of one or another indigenous entity pursues a policy akin to the governments of the Central African Republic or Mali, then why not me as a local resident, aborigine, so to speak, не вступить в армию Троещенско-Борщаговского гоп-казачества с целью сбалансирования доходов подданных двуединого атамана и оптимизации переориентации киевского офисного планктона на труд по производству материальных ценностей, которые можно потрогать? По крайней мере до того момента, пока мосты целы. Later, likely, это будут уже две отдельные планеты каждая со своими идолами.

На фоне глобального противостояния России с Западом, когда нельзя моргнуть, для мышиной возни нужны мышиные армии, мышиные идеологии, one might even say, мышиный национализм. Yes, эти атаманы будут убивать потенциал и территории страны, вражеской на сегодняшний день, и потенциал народонаселения, which the, likely, будет вражеским и на момент феодальной раздробленности. Но они же будут и расчищать поле, как в прошлый раз это сделала Руина.

Выгодно ли это будет России? Выгодно ли ей будет участие той или иной группы в bellum omnium contra omnes? And if yes, то какие требования она выдвинет к этим одичавшим прокси в обмен на помощь?

Sergey Klimov,

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