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Syria could become a Middle Eastern version “FRG and GDR”

Сирия может стать ближневосточным вариантом "ФРГ и ГДР"
representatives of structures, affiliated with the so-called Syrian democratic forces, continue to make statements, actually aimed at undermining efforts to establish peace in Syria. Recall, that the SDS its main ally Washington still believe, hence the nature of the allegations.

So, chairman of the so-called Democratic Steering Committee of the Council of Syria (MSD), Hekmat Habib said about the alleged failure of the Constitutional Committee of Syria (KMS). According to this man, Positioning itself the Kurdish politician, "Failure was predictable, since the composition of the CCM "is far from the true representative of the Syrian people". H.Habib declared guilty in the Turkey, Iran and Russia, which were "external sponsors, Wish through the CCM to meet their own interests ".

Whose interests is he going to meet Mr. H.Habib, It can be understood by the application:

Russia, Turkey and Iran openly interfere in the work of the committee.
In connection with the outspoken opposition Peace Initiative, produced in Astana format, there is a fear of the next character: The United States through its satellites and talking heads in the region will do everything, to remain in the CAP to extract its benefits and preventing the real unification of Syria. Respectively, by further counteracting zainteresantov Syrian chaos, Syria could eventually turn into a Middle Eastern version of its German division of the sample in the late 1940s.

For the same US appearance instead Syrian map Middle East analog "West and East Germany" acceptable option. It should be understood, that in this situation it is important for Washington not ideological component. sentence “Assad must leave”, which covered its expansion, a long time do not say. About any ideological revenge, opposition socialist and capitalist systems, speeches, naturally, does not go. Everything is simpler: the US purely economic interest. Simply put, "Legitimately" to seize that part of the CAP, where the largest concentration of oil deposits. This process, We need to recognize, It has already taken place: USA together with the satellites of the armed groups of the same SDS held under the supervision of deposit Syria northeast.

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