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Putin came to the most difficult period of the reign

Putin came to the most difficult period of the reign

Which sign - plus or minus - will go down in the history of the current president?

Article Surkov, which caused a lot of noise, mainly critical, It has the undoubted advantage: she became a cobblestone, thrown into the duckweed pond overgrown with our state and political philosophy, He broke the motionless tape, forced to think about Putin's historical reputation, and most importantly, about the fate of the Russian statehood.

Go into the evaluation of the article does not make sense, but we can not pay attention to the initial and deliberate manipulation of the author, which distorts the meaning of them written. Why he is the third Russian state associates with the name of Lenin? The answer is clear: there was a change in the social system. But in this case, the fourth state - is Yeltsin. If Surkov to his reasoning the fourth desperately needed Putin, then by indestructible historical logic of a third State, he is obliged to assign to Stalin. On the scale of history - no power, namely, historical! - Putin's analogy should be compared not with Lenin, but only with Stalin.

And it is fundamentally changing the business, because it is not about political, social or dictatorial Assimilation, but only about the fate of the Russian state.

so, Putin and Stalin - in terms of their impact on the historical Russian.

Stalin is no need to discuss - we know everything, his state activity in this case is only the starting point. Putin, like Stalin, also has closed all the threads running the country themselves - even strange, that this striking similarity nobody paid attention, and it is extremely important for analogies.

Important Putin's merit should be attributed to the state to prevent the collapse of Russia after very dangerous in this respect 90s, termination of the Chechen war and the return to the home port of the Crimea. Given the increased attention, President pays a defense capability, can say, that the Russian state, when all the external, and especially the internal difficulties, It is now in stable condition.

In this statement, a basic word - Today.

As for tomorrow, and not in the historic, and in the everyday sense,, then it is hidden by fog of uncertainty. Numerous divination on the transit authorities 2024 of the year, and even more stuffing on specific persons are not worth a penny broken line. In particular due to the fact, what to 2024 year, Putin does not have enough credibility among the people, to promote the right candidate. by the way, Putin himself would never go to the polls - and not only in the law of, that it is easy to fix (Roosevelt). If there is an idea to preserve his leadership, will seek alternate constitutional options.

All this, however, only required a statement of the status quo. The most significant issue is, to what extent Putin thinks about the future of the Russian state. authorities did not, no social system, and state. We can formulate the question differently: if he has for this time, the corresponding request command, finally, deep, personal understanding of the paramount importance of this problem right now, when due to many adscititious and natural causes inevitably comes into its own Autumn of the Patriarch?

In this respect, noteworthy example of Stalin, created, it seemed, invincible machine of public administration. Alas, Three years later, pieces crumbled system built by him after his death, Khrushchev and Russian with the universal cry of the construction of communism beginning of the path to the collapse of the USSR. This much has been written, true, without mentioning, that these are the leaders of fate, shutting state control over personally.

But now the international and domestic situation is different, in another state and the state is. the, on that after Stalin it took thirty years, It can occur in a few years - enough helpers.

Wonders whether this Putin? What he does to strengthen the state, not only today,, but also for the future? In historical time, where the most powerful weapon systems does not count, - USSR collapsed without external attack. meanwhile, it is clear, that an underlying civil war began in Russia - between the people and the elite. power not, namely elite as such. Her peals sounded before, but the official start of the confrontation initiated pension reform, emotionally softened the introduction of a progressive income tax. For the people it was an act of gross injustice. People used to think just: if it is difficult, all the worse, albeit in different ways!

And in this regard it should be noted, that the thesis of the deepest people, A planted Surkov, not so funny, As some. But it should be properly understood. Deep people - is not part of the population of the remote edges of the capitals or. It is not politicized, not an ethnic Russian self-awareness, which is based, first of all, to thirst for justice. Depth people live in each of us. It was he who declared war for justice elite, which already does not care about its reputation, - enough to recall the shameless statements and publicly boasting bogachestvo elite leaders and their elitok. A civil war, not even formally announced, - a huge threat to the state.

While this threat relieves Putin personally. However, after the hail infringe legislative "measures" and questionable from the point of view of the people of appointments after March 2018 th, trust ratings of the President came down, and there is no reason for them to reverse. Many have questioned: for how long they will last, ratings?

Today, the question of Putin's historical reputation, which, after the Crimea is not even discussed, I stood on the agenda. In what capacity, with some arithmetic sign enters Putin in Russian history? president, return Crimea? President of development or stagnation? And suddenly - President, civil war for justice between the people and the elite?

But the historical fate of Putin - is still not the main issue. The main issue - the fate of the Russian statehood, which to a great extent depend on the current activities of the President.

And what, day, hotya and night ("Night League" hockey) President engaged? It is fully immersed in the day care, instead of the head of the cabinet meets business departments, balancing the interests of various elite clans, which blossomed in recent years,. public actions, related to the strengthening of the state for the future - just that, that napridumyval Surkov, - can not see. The last one was six years ago, when Putin at a meeting of "Valdai" Club made a speech about the search for Russian identity, without which there can not be a state.

If a major account, namely the question of the future fate of the Russian state today should become a priority for Putin. For very high probability, that after he left the Kremlin elite members or lease pogrom 90s (Chubais still in business), or their heirs. Then certainly not avoid serious civil strife (by the way, Media often report, that in all the different spheres of life more clearly felt the suffocating smog 90s.). AT 2011 year, in rampant belolentochnyh demonstrations Putin appealed for support to the workers in Nizhny Tagil. Today, Judging by opinion polls, Putin can only rely on the Praetorian Guard Zolotov, and after Putin's departure and it will not help.

We are rightly regarded, that the first years of Putin's presidency, he coped with the "seven bankers", the legacy of the Yeltsin era, It was for the most difficult of Vladimir. but life, history shows, that the most difficult and responsible years has come to Putin right now. People still more clearly aware of yourself and your needs, gut feeling, because of the betrayal of the elite may hang over the threat of the Russian state. He does not trust the elite with foreign citizenship and property. And it is from today's Putin depend on tomorrow's destiny State. Show and events and Sociology, Voltage increases in society.

People in thought. And it is always dangerous.

Published: legioner Source

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