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Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" zavedon in floating dock

Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" to carry out repair work has been led into a large floating dock PD-50 Murmansk shipyard, According bmpd.

Авианесущий крейсер «Адмирал Кузнецов» заведён в плавучий док

celebrated, that the whole operation took three days. First, the ship was moved away from the dock 35th shipyard in Murmansk. By floating dock he was led tugs. After entering a docking cruiser has been fixed by means of special devices. After pumping water experts will check the reliability of fastenings.

Contract for the overhaul and modernization of the aircraft carrier Limited was signed between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the United Shipbuilding Corporation in April of this year,. Work will be performed in Murmansk 33 shipyard (35 SRZ). The cost of repairs - about 55 billion. rubles.

Авианесущий крейсер «Адмирал Кузнецов» заведён в плавучий док

Under the contract,, transfer of the ship to post-repair tests should take place before the end of 2020 of the year. the service is planned for the return of the cruiser 2021 year.

In progress, including, They should be replaced with all 8 boilers main vehicle electric installation. new weapons will also - the system of long-range anti-aircraft "Poliment-Redoute". Before repair the cruiser stood only air defense systems "Dirk" and "Dagger".

Recall, "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the only aircraft carrier in the Russian Navy. He was assigned to the Northern Fleet. Designed for the basing of about fifty planes and helicopters. crew - 1980 human.



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