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The flight of the first female astronaut – 55! our pride

Smooth 55 years ago – 16 June 1963 of the year – The Soviet Union for the first time in human history brought the spacecraft into orbit with a woman on board. Flight to the ship “Vostok 6” made the first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, a native of the village of Great Maslennikovo Yaroslavl region. From that day on call “seagull” He became one of the synonyms of space exploration great woman, great nation, great country.

Valentina Tereshkova made flight duration 2 day 22 hours 50 minutes. The total flight distance was 1 million 971 thousand. km.

Полёту первой женщины-космонавта - 55! Наша гордость

The first woman in space on manned spacecraft made 48 turns around planet Earth, while the ship was at perigee the Earth at a distance of about 181 km, and the apogee – on 231 km. Notably, at that moment in Earth orbit simultaneously perform their tasks other manned spacecraft – “Vostok-5”, It is driven by cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky.

Spacecraft with Valentina Tereshkova on board landed safely in Bayevsky District Altai Krai, for which (as well as for the whole country) this event was truly historic.

The press service of the Russian Space Agency publishes congratulations to Valentina Vladimirovna, on behalf of the representatives of the cosmonaut corps:
Dear Valentina!
Roscosmos cosmonaut cordially congratulate you on the 55th anniversary of the space flight!
Your life – striking example of the power of the human spirit! You have done a truly heroic act, challenging the unknown and prove to the world, that fragile woman can conquer the universe!

“military Review” joins in congratulating Valentina Tereshkova and sincerely hopes, that modern Russian large space achievements will not remain only in the past.



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