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Why Russian private military companies?

  • 29 January 2016
Russian soldiers on maneuvers
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PMC can be used abroad or in Russia instead of the usual military

The State Duma on Thursday discussed a bill “On private military and security activities”, which aims to regulate the legal point of view, the activities of private military companies.

In Russia, their activity is not currently enabled, However, some companies operate within the law “On private detective and security activity in the Russian Federation”, which severely limits their opportunities.

The draft law prepared at the Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, and I introduced it to the Duma deputy from “Just Russia” Gennady Nosovka. This is not the first attempt to make the document. Previously, the bill was criticized in the government and had to rewrite.

“The basic idea of ​​the bill – the, that private security, military activity is a special kind of specific business, stress – business, which is mainly aimed at the realization of the Russian state plans to protect its national interests”, – He stated, Presenting the bill on a round table in the State Duma, one of its developers, expert of the State Duma Security Committee Valery Shestakov.

The authors propose to pay licensing of PMCs abroad in the hands of Industry and Trade, activities within the country will license the Ministry of Defense, and in the case, if the activity is connected with the state secret, the license will give the FSB Russia. Such a complex licensing scheme criticized by many speakers at the roundtable experts.

A lot of controversy has arisen also around the state of customer service PMC – according to the document, they can either be the executive authorities of Russia, or legitimate from the point of view of the Russian authorities state bodies, operating under agreements with Russia.

Among other issues,, that remains unresolved, or incorrectly defined in the bill – position on the activities of PMCs in Russia, as well as activities on the territory of foreign states. Experts have criticized both points.

employee CHOPImage copyrightRIA Novosti
According to some critics, PMC operating in Russia may be regulated by the legislation on private security companies

In Russia and abroad

In this issue, whether it is necessary at all to create in Russian private military companies, not ask anyone – at a round table in the State Duma gathered supporters. According to all the speakers, PMCs need, but why, who and where they are needed – on these issues has been more controversy, than consent.

Speaking at the discussion of the general director of LLC “RSB Group” (It is positioning itself as “Private military company consulting”) Oleg said Krinitsyn, that the main meaning of the law is, to regulate PMCs as “fine state a tool to use in the regions, where it is not always advisable to use regular troops”.

State Duma deputy Maxim Shingarkin, one of the critics of the bill, He said, that you can not stop in mid-sentence – you need to go to the end and to prescribe such a law provision on the recognition of voluntary activities abroad.

“We all understand, that is the basis of this law, and we must be honest, that if we set ourselves the task of legitimizing the actions of Russian citizens in third countries, including the conditions of warfare, we have this or another Act provide for the right of citizens of the Russian Federation such action in order to protect yourself, their loved ones, the interests of third parties to carry out including in the absence of any organized process in the form of military and security organizations”, – he said.

However, idea “legalize” volunteer corps no one supported. Furthermore, among the experts were those, who believes, that private military companies only need to “internal market”.

“The same Ukraine, same events 1905-1907 years, 1917 of the year, demonstrated one thing: in the event of mass demonstrations regular forces are ideologically disarmed and unable to conduct actions to ensure the stability of the state”, – said the first vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Konstantin Sivkov.

According to the president of holding “Alpha-east” (about the nature of the company's activities were not reported anything) Sergei Sachenko, regulate the activities of companies abroad and do not need, because to carry out such PMCs no one bothers. One of the main objectives of the law, According to the expert, is to protect the, who works abroad, persecution in Russia in the framework of Article 359 UK “mercenary”.

true, the question of, than they can deal with PMCs in Russia, until the end has not been clarified, as a monopoly on any use of force in the country has a government, and security functions can be carried out within the framework of the detective work of the law.

Many disputes and caused a point on licensing, in particular, provision, that the license will give the Ministry of Industry. However, the question of, will be in charge of licensing and supervision of PMCs has not been resolved – It seemed logical and options with the Ministry of Defense, and with the FSB.

lawyer from “RSB Group” Anatoly Maureen said, what, in his opinion, the law will not work, because it contains a large number of “blanket norms” – general provisions, which either can be broadly interpreted, or it will be necessary to adjust the regulations.

The bill was introduced in the State Duma 14 December last year and is preparing for the first reading.



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