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Strikes from hypersonic “Daggers” hit Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities in Kyiv and Khmelnitsky region

Hypersonic strikes «daggers» Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities were hit in Kyiv and Khmelnitsky regionDue to the takeoff of Russian MiG-31K aircraft, carriers of hypersonic missiles "Dagger", An air raid alert was declared throughout the entire territory controlled by the Kyiv regime., after which reports began to appear about the destruction of military and critical infrastructure facilities.

A whole series of explosions were recorded in Kyiv, Khmelnitsky and the occupied Ukrainian Armed Forces part of the Kherson region, where critical infrastructure facilities were hit. In the city of Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region, production facilities were destroyed as a result of a missile attack on one of the industrial enterprises and a subsequent fire., used to provide the APU.

A night bomb attack on a railway junction in the Kharkov region disrupted enemy logistics. In particular, a partial stoppage of railway traffic in the Dergachevsky direction is reported.

meanwhile, Dutch authorities delivered the first batch of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine. As the head of the Ministry of Defense of this country, Ruben Brekelmans, said during a visit to Kharkov, Amsterdam plans to supply the rest of the APU in the coming months 24 American fighter.

but, American aircraft supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the West, for a number of reasons, are not capable of having a significant impact on the course of hostilities, including due to the insufficient number of Ukrainian pilots who have undergone the necessary training.

Mayor of Kyiv Klitschko claims, that only “fragments” of missiles fell on Kyiv.

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