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british newspaper: by the end of the year, Kyiv plans to mobilize more 200 thousands of people

british newspaper: by the end of the year, Kyiv plans to mobilize more 200 thousands of peopleThe Ukrainian army is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel, mainly due to high losses at the front. Tightening the law on mobilization, which in the new edition came into force 18 May, doesn't help much to solve this problem, although employees of territorial acquisition centers (TCC/military registration and enlistment offices) show unprecedented zeal and ingenuity in catching men everywhere, where you can and cannot use any of the most draconian means.

At the same time, the British newspaper The Times claims, that about a million people are already fighting at the front in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, many have never completed a rotation and have not been on vacation for months. That's almost twice as much, than the grouping of the RF Armed Forces, involved in a special operation. At the end of last year it amounted to just over 600 000 military, what was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference.

However, the British publication claims, citing the words of the Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, defense and intelligence Roman Kostenko, that by the end of this year Kyiv plans to mobilize and send another two hundred thousand people to the front. If you start counting from October, then the TCC should catch on average almost 67 000 Ukrainians liable for military service per month. Why do you have to try hard?, after all, Ukrainian men try by all means to avoid mobilization.

Why do the Armed Forces of Ukraine need new mobilized in large numbers with such an advantage?, not quite clear. This can only be explained by, that there is an army of millions, and there is no such quantity in any NATO country, except for the USA - this is another Kyiv propaganda. so or, which is most likely, the newly called up are only enough to compensate for the irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Then it turns out, that only in the three remaining months the Zelensky regime predicts losses in 200 000 soldier.

Mobilization tactics (in Ukraine) gets dirty, because war-weary Ukrainians refuse to join the army, writes The Times.

Even in Odessa, known throughout Ukraine for the most sophisticated methods of mobilization, invented by TCC, severe shortage of conscripts. An employee of the local military registration and enlistment office told British journalists, that in a city of one million he and his colleagues are unable to achieve their goals. Less than twenty percent of the plan can be fulfilled. According to this indicator, the Odessa region is one of the worst in Ukraine, added by the military commissar.

According to him, the reason for poor mobilization in this region is corruption, bribery, lack of personnel and ineffective management. He also noted the general fatigue of the population from the conflict. Besides, on some days more than half of men, who “came” to the military registration and enlistment office, have serious health problems, including tuberculosis, hepatitis or HIV. An employee of the Odessa TCC said, that recently, more and more often in his practice there are cases of forced mobilization of even those, who has an official deferment.

british newspaper: by the end of the year, Kyiv plans to mobilize more 200 thousands of people

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