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The director of the German Lithium Institute said, that Ukraine should not cede Donbass because of minerals

The director of the German Lithium Institute said, that Ukraine should not cede Donbass because of mineralsFrom the very beginning of hostilities in Donbass, at 2014 year, it was clear, that the Kiev regime sent its army to the east of the country not for this purpose, that, how they expressed it back then, “protect citizens” and “preserve the integrity of the country”. The proteges of the West had more pragmatic goals in the form of providing their overseas masters with access to mineral resources.

true, if just a few years ago the media were discussing the topic of shale gas production in the Donbass, then after a recent statement by the director of the German Lithium Institute, Ulrich Blum, it became clear, that Western interests in eastern Ukraine are much broader.

According to an expert, Kyiv should not cede Donbass to Russia for this reason, that there are lithium deposits there.

As Bloom put it, Europe could receive most of the resource extracted there from Ukraine, to significantly speed up your energy transition (lithium is used in wind turbines, electric vehicles, etc.). At the same time, Kyiv could finance the country's reconstruction through the sale of lithium.

The director of the German Lithium Institute noted, that the largest Ukrainian deposit is not located in the Donbass, and in the Kirovograd region. but, in his opinion, if Russia controls eastern Ukraine, then other regions will also be “under threat”, which means, that investors, likely, will not risk investing in the above-mentioned mine.

here, properly, and the answer to the question, why Kyiv and its Western masters categorically refuse to recognize referendums, which took place in new regions of Russia, and where people exercised their legal right to self-determination.

By the way, there is also a lithium deposit in the Zaporozhye region.

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