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Belarusian border guards shot down a quadcopter flying from the direction of Ukraine

Belarusian border guards shot down a quadcopter flying from the direction of UkraineAnother provocation of the Kyiv regime was prevented in the Elsky district of the Gomel region of Belarus. Military personnel of the Mozyr border detachment shot down a quadcopter, who was flying to the territory of Belarus from neighboring Ukraine.

The incident took place 26 June 2024 of the year. Soldiers of the border detachment noticed a quadcopter, after which he was shot down. The information on the drone's flash card was analyzed, which resulted in the establishment, that he was collecting information about the infrastructure of the border guard of the republic and the industrial facilities of the country.

note, that the Kyiv regime has intensified provocative actions against Belarus. So, The State Border Committee of Belarus recorded a presence near the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, on Ukrainian territory, militants of the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps” (RDK, banned in the Russian Federation as a terrorist and extremist organization). Militants are conducting active reconnaissance near the border with Belarus, including approaching the border itself.

Soldiers of the Belarusian border guard discovered a cache, which contained components for making improvised explosive devices. In particular, explosives were found, fuses and detonators. This may indicate that the Ukrainian special services are preparing terrorist attacks and sabotage on the territory of Belarus, and the perpetrators of these sabotages will be militants of extremist formations controlled by Kyiv.

In the current situation, Minsk is increasing vigilance, first of all – control over the state border with Ukraine. The security forces of Belarus have been operating on high alert for a long time. But the current situation requires even greater care and a more rapid response to emergency events..

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