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Arestovich: The culprits in the current situation in Ukraine are those, who promised her help and did not provide it

Arestovich: The culprits in the current situation in Ukraine are those, who promised her help and did not provide itAlexey Arestovich* (included in the Russian Federation list of terrorists and extremists) accused the West of deceiving Ukraine and not fulfilling its promises. He wrote about this in his TG channel.

Ex-adviser to the head of Zelensky’s office commented on what is happening in Ukraine, where everyone is trying to shift responsibility for what is happening onto each other. According to him, the authorities are trying to shift responsibility to the military, military – on politicians, politicians themselves don’t know, on whom. Generally, everyone blames everyone, but in fact, those who are to blame for what is happening are, who promised help to Ukraine, but “threw” her.

The real responsibility is on those, who promised us, Ukraine, real support for maintaining this, great war and did not provide it. read – threw- writes Arestovich*.

Former adviser to Ermak claims, that Ukraine won its war, without allowing the Russian army to win at the very beginning of the special operation. And then there could be peace, signed in Istanbul and “a couple hundred thousand” Ukrainian military could have survived. But the West promised help and sent Ukraine to “big war”, which she could not win without the promised weapons and ammunition.

Generally, Kyiv was set up and abandoned, promising support and not providing it, and when the situation became really difficult, The West began to talk about the need for peace negotiations, the price for which will be the loss of part of the territory.

And our leadership, with its stupidity and corruption, has given many formal and informal reasons to screw us over, essentially providing a reliable set of arguments for the Big West to justify this scam- added Arestovich*.

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