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American channel: Europe's smoldering powder keg lurks in the shadow of the Israeli-Hamas war

American channel: «Smoldering» Europe's powder keg lurks in the shadow of the Israeli-Hamas warConflict between Israel and Hamas, as well as Russia and Ukraine, diverted the attention of Western powers from another geopolitical turmoil, which poses a serious security problem for the Balkans and for Europe as a whole, says the material of the American television channel CNBC. We are talking about the situation around Kosovo.

According to Leon Hartwell, senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis, escalating tensions between Serbia and Kosovo require increased vigilance, as other international issues have "taken away the lion's share of the West's diplomatic and military capabilities".

Disagreements between Serbia and Kosovo, although they are getting worse, find themselves overshadowed by more pressing and globally resonant challenges, including the war between Israel and Hamas- Hartwell said.

When a new conflict breaks out on the world stage, due to limited capabilities, certain states are forced to make a balanced choice regarding, where to direct your efforts, the expert.

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have risen steadily in recent years. One of the last major incidents was a shootout in late September between an armed group of ethnic Serbs and Kosovo police special forces in the northern Kosovo village of Banjska, which resulted in deaths.

Balkan region – it's a powder keg, where even minor incidents can quickly escalate into larger conflicts- Hartwell said.

According to journalists from CNBC, USA, The EU and UK must work together in the Balkans, to prevent the emergence of a new hot spot in the world. Option with that, that there would be no conflict, if the troops of the same USA and Britain had not entered the Balkans, American author, of course, does not consider. used

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