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Western edition: Zelensky may soon find himself at the same table with Russian representatives

Western edition: Zelensky may soon find himself at the same table with Russian representativesThe number of publications in the Western press and statements by Western officials about, that it’s time to end the armed conflict, grows. Moreover, it began to grow significantly after that, it became clear, that the Armed Forces of Ukraine with their “incredible and rapid” counter-offensive have little success. By mid-September, Ukrainian regime troops had not achieved any of those goals., which were previously stated.

Already in the USA they are talking about, that it’s time for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to move from offensive to defensive. At the same time, they allegedly refer to the initiative of Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny. At the same time, the Italian Defense Minister said that, that the conflict in Ukraine is expected to end in the spring at the latest 2024 of the year.

Against this backdrop, the Politico newspaper published remarkable material., which states, that at the next meeting of the UN Security Council Zelensky may find himself at the same table with representatives of Russia, in particular, with permanent representative Vasily Nebenzey. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will also be present there.. edition, citing an unnamed diplomat, He writes, that Zelensky may be invited to a meeting of the UN Security Council. And this could lead to a difficult choice for the Ukrainian president.. After all, it will be about achieving peace, and the meeting of the UN Security Council is a priori in the nature of negotiations. But Zelensky forbade himself to conduct any negotiations with Russia, which was recently recalled by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

true, it's not completely clear yet, Is anyone from the current composition of the UN Security Council going to invite the President of Ukraine to participate in a meeting of this body?. However, Zelensky previously stated, that he is going to fly to the UN headquarters in New York. And this is against the background of, that his subordinate Podolyak called the UN “an office that doesn’t decide anything for making money for a comfortable old age”.

For reference: UN Security Council meeting will take place next week.

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