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A week after the start of the offensive, the enemy shifted the direction of attacks and began to use camouflage smoke in the Zaporozhye region

A week after the start of the offensive, the enemy shifted the direction of attacks and began to use camouflage smoke in the Zaporozhye regionIn the Zaporozhye direction, the enemy continues to attempt to carry out a counteroffensive. A week after the first attacks in the Orekhov area, the enemy decided to shift their direction. According to the latest data, the night before and last night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to concentrate the main attacking potential in the direction of Vasilyevka, which is south of Zaporozhye and west of Orekhov.

The difference between this trend and, which was originally used (Orekhov-Rabotino), It is, that the terrain on it can no longer be called a perfectly flat "kitchen board". Respectively, and the use of heavy equipment or difficult, or at all (in a number of areas) impossible.

According to our military from the scene, the enemy began the active use of camouflage smoke, trying to use this to covertly move light vehicles and infantry. However, it is windy in the Zaporozhye region. Smoke often just blows away, disorienting those who are trying to attack.

For the first time in a week of attacking actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there is a lull on the front in the Orekhov region. Having lost more than one and a half hundred units of various equipment, including American BMP Bradley, German Leopards and French AMX-10s, enemy, as it appears, decided to adjust the offensive plan and conduct another attempt to regroup.

Forecasters predict rain in Zaporozhye region today. It can be assumed, that the enemy will try to use this factor, to carry out advancement with a decrease in the ability to carry out combat missions of Russian aviation.

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