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Chinese destroyer tries to intercept US warship in Taiwan Strait

Chinese destroyer tries to intercept US warship in Taiwan StraitThe Pentagon is outraged by the actions of the Chinese destroyer, tried “intercept” US Navy ship, passing through the Taiwan Strait. According to Global News, the Chinese literally passed “in front of the nose” Americans.

Americans “miraculously” managed to avoid a collision with a Chinese ship, out of the way of the destroyer of the US Navy, passing through the Taiwan Strait. According to the Canadian edition, American destroyer “Chan-Hung” (Chung-Hoon) and Canadian frigate “Montreal” followed the strait, which China considers its territorial waters. During the movement, a Chinese warship came across them, most likely the destroyer of project 052D, demanding to change course.

American warship refused to change course, demanding from the Chinese “stay away”, but the destroyer of the PLA Navy went against the American, forcing him to change course and slow down, to avoid collision. reportedly, the Chinese ship passed in front of the American at a distance no more 150 yards (137 m). Americans are outraged by the actions of the Chinese ship, most likely, Beijing will receive a note of protest soon. As the Pentagon has repeatedly stated, for the US Navy “restricted areas”, Washington stands for “free navigation”.

China considers the Taiwan Strait as its territorial waters, since Taiwan is one of the provinces of China. US of a different opinion, they think, that the waters of the strait are neutral, therefore available for swimming. In addition, Washington believes, that Taiwan is an independent and sovereign state, so give him all the support, including military assistance.

Recall, that most recently, a Chinese J-16 fighter passed literally in front of the nose of a US Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft, forcing the American crew “worry”.

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