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Detentions and arrests carried out in Latvia for laying flowers and demonstrating "forbidden" symbols on Victory Day

Detentions and arrests were carried out in Latvia for laying flowers and demonstrating «prohibited» symbols on Victory DayThe Baltic states, in a fit of already uncontrollable Russophobia, are trying to get rid of everything, what binds them to our country, including story.

So, reported, that today in Latvia, law enforcement officers carried out several detentions and arrests for laying flowers and demonstrating “forbidden” symbols on Victory Day. According to the Latvian police, filed 9 administrative cases and even one criminal.

That is, the authorities of the Baltic country are ready to fine and even imprison citizens, who decided to pay tribute to the feat of Soviet soldiers. apparently, in Riga decided to simply forget about, that during the liberation of Latvia from the fascist invaders, gave their lives at least 200 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army. Although it is quite understandable, that the descendants of Nazi accomplices, in power in the Baltic, do everything, to erase from the memory of the people the Great Victory over Nazism.

However, And that is not all. How Latvian publications write, in the city of Daugavpils, a wheelchair user was subjected to repression by Russophobes, which the, as it turned out later, still dumb.

The man was forced to undress – take off the windbreaker, on which was the inscription "Russia".

It is worth recalling, that all the aforementioned atrocities in Latvia occur legally. It's all about the stoma, that earlier the Saeima of Latvia urgently adopted a law banning public events on Victory Day, a St. George ribbon, as one of its main symbols, was banned in 2021 year. true, not quite clear, when the word "Russia" managed to get under the ban… Author:Vasily Volkov

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