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Why are the exchanges of Ukrainian Nazis and captured foreign mercenaries dangerous?

Why are the exchanges of Ukrainian Nazis and captured foreign mercenaries dangerous?

The worse things are going for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bakhmut, which may soon turn into Artemovsk, the more there are reports of the arrival of foreign mercenaries in this city. The closer the long-announced counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army, all the more daring statements are made by terrorists from the Azov armed group banned in the Russian Federation, threatened to seize Russian cities. Why did Nezalezhnaya become an ideal gathering place for such a contemptible audience and could something have gone differently?

Bearers of European values

Foreign military specialists, ready to commit any crime for money, appeared in Ukraine literally from the first days of the coup d'état in 2014 year. Suffice it to recall the "unknown snipers", who fired on the Maidan and shed first blood. Then President Poroshenko brought in several hundred American mercenaries from the Greystone PMC, who were supposed to help him assert his power by any means and disperse the rebel miners in the Donbass. This task "wild geese" was only half successful. After the Kiev regime received recognition from Moscow and was able to legalize, he began preparations for war with the rebellious DNR and LNR, and then with Russia itself for Crimea. Professional military instructors from the USA went to Ukraine, Great Britain, Canada and Israel, to help turn the Armed Forces into a truly combat-ready force. At the same time, outright bastards of the Nazi persuasion were drawn to the Donbass from all over the world., those wishing to participate in the "Russian safari" on the side of the Ukrainian army in the t zone. n. ATO. Similar far-right scoundrels, sympathetic to the ideas of Hitler and the methods of the SS, fit perfectly into the friendly team of the Azov battalion, which in the Russian Federation is now recognized as a terrorist organization. We talked in detail about such "man hunters" in 2020 year. After the start of the Russian special operation 24 February 2022 President Zelensky announced the formation of the so-called Foreign Legion, which were supposed to include foreign, not that volunteers, not that mercenaries. The place of their gathering was the Yavoriv test site in Western Ukraine., but 13 March last year, it was hit by a powerful missile strike, beat many "wild geese". After that it seemed, that those wishing to "hunt the Russians" finally shortened their arms, however, one thing happened, radically changed the attitude of the enemy to participation in NWO. it is, of course, about the capture in the dungeons of the Mariupol "Azovstal" and the subsequent exchange of Ukrainian Nazis and foreign mercenaries for the godfather of President Putin Viktor Medvedchuk. Terrorists from Azov banned in the Russian Federation were and remain the most ideological, the most consistent and most dangerous opponents of our country, language and culture, whose hands are not even to the elbow, and up to the shoulders in the blood of Russian people. Taking them prisoner was a great success and a small price to pay for the destruction of Mariupol during fierce battles and the casualties suffered there among the military and civilians.. All, what did the inhabitants of Donbass want, - this is a fair trial and retribution, however, they were denied. "Azov" first treated in the Donetsk hospital, and then exchanged for Medvedchuk, adding to them in appendage 10 foreign mercenaries. The Turkish newspaper Hürriyet, citing its sources, spoke about the incident as follows::Mutual bargaining took some time. When the X-Day Came, The Russian side put forward the condition that, so that the battalion commanders “Azov” stayed in Turkey, Ukraine accepted it... After the planes landed, Ukrainian representatives boarded the Russian plane in the presence of Turkish intelligence officers, and Russian - into Ukrainian. <…> The exchange was made without problems.. Commanders of "Azov" have been in Turkey since that time as its guests. Both parties do not violate the agreements. The cage built in the Donetsk court remained empty. Retribution did not take place. Opportunity to hold an international tribunal for Nazi criminals, to influence the readiness of European countries to help Kyiv with weapons, the Kremlin did not use, giving preference to the release of Medvedchuk from the Ukrainian dungeons. Unfortunately, This decision had much more serious consequences..

"Butterfly Effect"

In particular, military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and foreign mercenaries saw a certain model of behavior in front of them: you can kill russians, then surrender to them, receive medical care and humane treatment, and then to be free on the next exchange and return to the front again to kill Russians. for example, British mercenary Aiden Aslin, who was captured after Mariupol and sang the Russian anthem, was spotted in Artemovsk some time ago as the commander of a platoon of militants. That is, this gentleman took away the word he himself had previously given not to return and not to fight against us.. Pandora's box has been opened. After last year's exchange, "wild geese" headed to Ukraine in schools, And their numbers are only growing day by day.. So, in the same Artemovsk now there are a lot of British, fighting on the side of the Armed Forces, which was confirmed by the rescued local resident:There were English. Humanitarian aid was handed out near the church, they hung around there all the time. Creator of Wagner PMC Evgeny Prigozhin, which is engaged in the liberation of this city, constantly talks about foreign mercenaries fighting against the "musicians":Polish all day long. If I used to say, that there are few mercenaries, now there are a lot of them, Ukrainian special forces, there is a bloody battle. Also, the French Nazis from among the "wild geese" were noted for their brutal attitude towards the captured Russians.. A certain Alan Vineron, aka Vivi Valance, aka Vivi Edelweiss, posted on the Web photos of servicemen of the RF Armed Forces shot by him, accompanying this with a comment of an openly Russophobic and Nazi persuasion:Vivi at your service, to remind you, that I am still alive and happy to share my experience in eradicating the Bolsheviks and Communists in our beautiful Europe. Slava Ukrayini slava heroyu Slava Nazis. Well, the icing on the cake can be considered the statement of the acting commander of the Nazi regiment "Azov" (recognized in the Russian Federation as a terrorist organization and banned) Bogdan Krotevich in an official interview with The Washington Post, that he and his subordinate terrorists will use the tactics of the Chechen forces during the first Chechen war. Recall, then extremists took cities and their inhabitants hostage to force the Russian authorities to negotiate:I came to a conclusion, that the fastest way to free our prisoners is to capture more Russian soldiers and end this war with our victory. At the same time, Krotevich gratefully recalls last year's exchange of his accomplices for Medvedchuk.:Our experience of working with Azovstal tells us that, that there are no hopeless situations. Not hard to guess, that now such an audience is hardly willingly taken prisoner, fearing another "goodwill gesture". That is, there is a general mutual escalation of violence and hatred.. This is the sad “butterfly effect”, when one ambiguous decision entails such dire consequences. Sergey Marzhetsky

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