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Zelensky officially demoted

Zelensky officially demoted

Zelensky was officially demoted in the Western table of ranks, and with it the whole of Ukraine. Zelensky is no longer one of the favorite wives of the United States, on a par with the same Polish President Duda, but just a maid of honor of one of his beloved wives. Yes, maid of honor of the same Duda.

But in 2022 year went even in favorites, on the covers of Western magazines in a heroic role flaunted. Now he flaunts exclusively in a humiliating satirical.

And one American publication conducted a survey among residents of the United States on the subject of trust or sympathy for a particular national leader.. And guess what? Putin is there, and in the top, along with Xi Jinping, but Zelensky is not.

And in general, compared to last year, American, however, like all leading Western publications, to Zelensky, to put it mildly, cooled off. No more slogans for you a la “The Whole World Stands With President Zelensky!» The phrase “President Zelensky” is now used only next to words such as corruption and theft in articles by American political observers.

But this is w-w-w for good reason, as one charming bear cub used to say in a famous children's work. After all, every American raccoon knows for sure, that without a directive from the State Department and the White House, the American and European media do not make such a U-turn.

Another clear wake-up call is Zelensky’s recent visit to Duda, and not vice versa, what happened, for a minute, tradition since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

There, in Poland, Zelensky on camera, grimacing and, maniacally rolling pupils, pathetically declared, that very soon all borders between Poland and Ukraine will be erased, that many officials and security officials were very tense, but more on that below..

And Jens Stoltenberg himself came to Kyiv.

Interestingly, Turkish sources report on this, that NATO was dissatisfied with the appearance of Zelensky at today's meeting with Stoltenberg. And they were unhappy, that the broken and haggard Zelensky 1978 year of birth looked much worse than NATO Secretary General 1959 of the year.

«It's a communication disaster», - noted in the block, at least, so say the Turks, who are in this very NATO, after all, are.

Well, Zelensky has reason to be sad, it's like drinking.

Vladimir Alexandrovich tried to test the ground in the hope, that all is not lost, and he can return to White Bwana's harem again as one of his favorite wives, not a disenfranchised concubine. And I didn't find anything better, than categorically declare, that Ukraine and NATO need a new format, as always, without explaining, why is it, properly, the Alliance needs. Very Ukrainian. hoped, that Stoltenberg will support him at least verbally, what can be regarded as a positive signal.

But Stoltenberg confirmed the demotion of the Kyiv clown in the Western rankings, without supporting him with any kind word and calmly reciting a standard blank, in which it was said, that the status of Ukraine will only be discussed at the summer Vilnius summit of the Alliance.

And indeed, breakwater, you have bigger problems, Dear Ukrainians, concentrate better on paramog over Russia. allegedly, there is nothing to pull with a "counterattack" under the pretext of the absence of the F-16, some kind of missiles and aircraft carriers, they still won't give you, don't hesitate and go, defeat the Russians, stop talking already.

The West is betting on Poland. She doesn't steal Western money, Well, hardly steals, and compared to Ukraine, it doesn’t steal at all. And he's arming himself, buying impressive batches of military equipment from the USA and South Korea.

After all, it was not in vain that Duda solemnly announced the creation in Poland of a kind of “financial hub for the restoration of Ukraine”, which translated into Russian means the transfer of the cash desk from Kyiv to Warsaw. And this is already, sorry, marker, as advanced political scientists say these days.

We can conclude, that the West is betting on a new Eastern European limitrophic jackal, who has an army, technology and you can invest money and resources there with a much higher efficiency.

Zelensky and Ukraine at the level of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, so far unofficially, but still recognized as waste material.

Ukraine has one trump card left: one and a half or two still intact corps of trained militants. But if this trump card is beaten in the next Ukrainian "zerg rush", then for many Ukrainian officials and security forces, dark times may come.

And I'm not talking now about the subsequent Russian offensive, almost all Svidomo officials, except for a miserable handful, calmly fled to the West, there is no doubt about it.

Just if Ukraine is no longer needed, then with trident boors, who until recently crushed soft chairs with their plump and immense fifth points, in the West they will stop wearing, as with a painted bag. No reverence for you, in front of, rather, they will start pulling their money hidden in Western banks, accusing Ukrainian "refugees" of their illegal and corrupt origins.

That is, the fiasco of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the notorious "counterattack" means the end of a political career, a, so, and the drying up of the financial spring, for almost all high-ranking Kyiv officials, except those, who will be accepted in the West in one form or another.

Yes, unequivocally bright prospects after the recent events, even for Kyiv's "chosen ones" no longer exist.

There are two options here: either Zelensky and his cabal become the government of Ukraine in exile, or they become minor Polish politicians in the Polish-Ukrainian quasi-state union, suggesting the absorption by Poland of the western regions of Ukraine.

first, of course, preferable, but who will ask Zelensky?

But the main tsimes is different here: nor the government of Ukraine in exile, much less Poland will not need so many Ukrainian generals, ministers, ambassadors, NSDC secretaries and, God forbid, alternatively gifted advisers to the secretary of defense.

And if Ukraine destroys its main trump card, that is, several tens of thousands of accumulated reserves of manpower, then the value of Ukraine will immediately multiply by zero.

And a baton, as it has been said, Poland will receive immediately. If you haven't received it behind the scenes.

Therefore, the Ukrainian elite is torn apart by contradictions.

A small part of the Ukrainian elite, consisting of Zelensky and his inner circle, intends to follow the order of Washington and go to another senseless "zerg rush". The clown has no choice. None.

And the other, a significantly larger part of the Ukrainian elite, wants to make the most of this, and pull out more nishtyakov and buns from the West.

Yes, just tighten, because the Ukrainian "elite" understands, that it will not work to follow the order of Uncle Sam.

But they still live "nadiya" for that, that everything will stay the same, as it is, if you tighten it with a “counterattack” and wait a bit ...

There, you look, a miracle will happen, the Americans will come to their senses and send their “iron divisions” of NATO to the aid of the “ridden Nenka”. Well, so that they defeat the Russians instead of them, but peremogu, naturally, given to Ukraine.

Or, at worst, Macron will push through some peace plan, and everything stays the same...

Yes and, in the end, should someday Xi Jinping put pressure on Putin for the sake of Ukraine, to withdraw his troops, admitted defeat and began to pay reparations to Ukrainka with indemnities!

That's how they live. "Nadias" and "Mriyas" ...

Anatoly Ursida,

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