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Spy toys: who benefits from leaking US secret documents

Spy toys: who benefits from leaking US secret documents

Big scandal in the USA. There, suddenly, top secret documents of the Pentagon and the CIA appeared in the press.. And, unclear, how. Let's start to understand.

In April, secret Pentagon documents, The CIA and NSA were published on a small Internet channel. Then they appeared on social networks. And already further in the Washington Post and New York Times. First, the Americans said, that this is the work of Russian intelligence. Further, US military officials confirmed the authenticity of the documents and ordered an investigation.. Based on them, States are watching all their allies.

May be, indeed, some of our Stirlitz is sitting in the Pentagon and passes the tables of the American General Staff with a Morse key? Can, of course, make another episode, but most likely the source is American. May be, these are some state guerrillas? People, who are tired of the military operation in Ukraine? Republican military agents? Pacifists? In 1971, one of the military analysts, Daniel Elsberg, published full information about the beginning of the US war in Vietnam.. Americanist Vladimir Vasiliev recalls this incident.

“From these documents it became quite clear, that in particular the event in the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964 years were not any attack - no attacks by the Vietnamese military or North Vietnamese, - it was a provocation, which was made by the United States itself at the initiative of the Johnson administration, to obtain a mandate to use military force in unlimited quantities in Southeast Asia - in this case in Vietnam, without the consent of Congress, no declaration of war in Southeast Asia”, – explained the chief researcher of the Institute for the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Vasiliev.

But then it's already gone 7 years of war. There died 58 thousands of Americans. Was it a stuffing or just an excuse to end an unpopular war in the States? Interesting, that Elsberg himself was arrested and even threatened with a prison term in 115 years. But then it suddenly became clear, that the collection of evidence was wrong, and he was released.

Spy toys: who benefits from leaking US secret documents

A photo: © Global Look Press/Danish Defence/Keystone Press Agency

Journalist Seymour Hersh recently blamed the US government for the bombing “Nord stream”. Information, threatening US foreign policy. But no case was brought against him.. Why? Because US journalists enjoy such prestige in society? or because, that the necessary intelligence information is thrown through them? Would you believe it, that the major US media will suddenly start printing unverified, unverified Pentagon and intelligence documents? Causing terrible damage to the Pentagon, and intelligence and all US foreign policy? I do not believe. Because we know the connection between the government and the American media.

However, experts say, that there were no internal partisans. Roman Romachev, a representative of private intelligence, is sure of this..

“There is a concept in information wars “controlled leaks” – these are special operations, which imply the forces of information, required by the customer in order to, to manipulate the opponent's behavior”, – explained the head of a private intelligence company “R-Techno”.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also considers, that published documents are stuffing. This is a giant throw, which has multiple goals. Military, ideological and political.

“Furthermore, that side, who leaked the information, it controls the response quite clearly, they periodically also publish the most photos from this drain in the American media, but with modified data. They post the news, who support this leak in the news agenda. for example, About, that an investigation has been launched, About, that all partners and the Americans themselves are shocked by this drain. That is, a certain development of this drain is slipped there daily in order for this information to appear on the information agenda.”, – added by Roman Romachev.

Spy toys: who benefits from leaking US secret documents

A photo: © Video Screenshot

Let our military analyze the documents that have appeared in the Russian Ministry of Defense. As the documents state, there “a lot of American agents”. Probably, to divert our leadership to fight moles. But all the same, all military aspects are in the General Staff. But the political and economic goals are interesting.

US elections next year. The military operation in Ukraine gives the American military industry a powerful reason to actually rearm as its own army, and the armies of NATO countries. It's a lot of money. In 2020, US military-industrial complex manufacturers supported Trump. But even then he began to say, that America spends too much money on armaments. And it was a strong call to sponsors. And here is the military operation, backed by Biden, gives them a lot of money. In fact, now Biden is trying to buy back support for the military-industrial complex, promising them more money.

“That side, who leaked, she shows those numbers, which are economically, currently invested by Europe and the USA, there are quite serious losses, there is a serious shortage of weapons, that is, it is quite serious information”, – considers Romachev.

And, this program of injecting money into your American military-industrial complex, looks like, will last several years. In March, Biden released a draft budget. With enlarged military unit.

Spy toys: who benefits from leaking US secret documents

A photo: © Global Look Press/Senior Airman Jonathon Carnell/Keystone Press Agency

“The administration submitted a draft federal budget for 2024 year, from which follows, that the administration is drastically increasing military spending, although she did not indicate the amount of funds, which she wants to allocate to Ukraine, but, counting, what is this budget 2024 years is much higher, than the military budget of the current 2023 of the year, we are talking about tens of billions of dollars, because formally Americans believe, what in 2023 financial year they allocated for military assistance to Ukraine 35 billion, so it's about amounts., comparable to this, maybe more”, – noted Vladimir Vasiliev.

But now, when the draft budget was amended, the most important thing is not to let the Republicans cut off this money, redirect them to internal American affairs. Trump is now talking, what if he becomes president, then the war can be ended in one day. How then did they arrive?? Here come all these “secretly obtained” documents. After all, the budget will be approved this December., and in November 2024 there are already elections. Biden really needs sponsorship money. As always, someone in the US wants more money and more attention. All. All other countries, people, life - everything is put under the knife just for this. And the Ukrainians will really fight to the last man. But not for myself. And for the sake of four more years of Biden in power.

Andrey Dobrov

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