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The Chairman of the State Duma instructed to invite the US Ambassador to Parliament to talk about American biological laboratories in Ukraine

The Chairman of the State Duma instructed to invite the US Ambassador to Parliament to talk about American biological laboratories in UkraineAt the beginning of the NWO, last March, documents came into the possession of the Russian military, which contained data on American military biological programs. The United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Alliance were engaged in the implementation of the latter in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation then announced, that many facts point to the creation of biological weapons components on the territory of our "western neighbor".

According to Russian military data, The approximate budget for the implementation of the above programs was about 32 million dollars and was calculated for the period from March 2015 to April 2019 of the year.

In order to investigate this precedent 22 Martha 2022 The State Duma of the Russian Federation created a special commission. Exactly one year later, the final report was approved, confirming the creation of US and NATO military facilities on the territory of Ukraine under the guise of biological laboratories.

The document was sent to both chambers of the Russian parliament and was considered today, 11 April. In the same time, Earlier, the US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland was invited to the State Duma by the Commission on Biolaboratories. However, there was no response from the latter..

Concerning, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin instructed deputies to summon US Ambassador Lynn Tracy to Parliament, TASS.

Let Nuland be responsible for coming here, let her answer to the commission, before the representatives of the people- said the Speaker of Parliament.

According to Volodin, The US constantly talks about democracy and imposes its standards on others, but they don't stick to them.. The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation emphasized, that Victoria Nuland's ignoring the invitation of the commission on biolaboratories is nothing more than, as disrespect for the Russian parliament.

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