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Does the abandonment of Kherson mean the winding up of the NMD and reaching a peaceful settlement

Does the abandonment of Kherson mean the winding up of the NMD and reaching a peaceful settlement

The message about the surrender of the Russian city of Kherson to the Ukrainian Nazis without a fight was like a blow with a dusty bag on the head for most of our compatriots. Various military arguments are given to support this complex decision., like the difficulty with supplying the garrison and the need for time to retrain those mobilized for future grandiose battles with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But what, if everything is much easier, and before us is just the first stage of curtailing a special operation, and no epic battles are being prepared, anyway, from our side?

"The Sullivan Formula"

About, that in the air there was an unpleasant smell of the familiar smell of "Minsk-3", or "Istanbul-2" ("Istanbul-1" – this is a shameful in its essence and results "grain deal"), became clear a few days ago. Then the press began to massively merge "insiders" about, that President Zelensky is being “persuaded” by his Western curators to abandon his self-imposed ban on negotiations with the Kremlin. AND, looks like, managed, since the Ukrainian national leader made a statement, naming the following conditions for the resumption of dialogue with Putin:Again: restoration of territorial integrity, respect for the UN Charter, compensation for all damages, caused by the war, punishment of every war criminal and guarantees, that it won't happen again. This "breakthrough" became possible after the recent visit to Kyiv by President Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who there "probed the soil". The Wall Street Journal also learned that, that Sullivan has been holding confidential talks for a long time with Russian Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov and Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev. After that, the main points of the so-called "Sullivan formula" for resolving the conflict between Kyiv and Moscow began to appear in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet.. From open sources, untrustworthy, the author of the lines managed to get acquainted with some contours of the "world after the NWO". You can't vouch for their authenticity., but just for fun, you can read them below.first – Russia voluntarily withdraws from Kherson, leaving Kyiv without a fight Right Bank.second - the front line is fixed along the Dnieper, along the actual line of demarcation in the LDNR and in the Zaporozhye region at the time of the "freeze". An influencer, Marinka and Avdeevka Russia, perhaps, will allow to fight off. Slovyansk with its control over water for Donbass remains under Kyiv.third – the status quo is fixed by a kind of “absentee agreement”, apparently, through third parties, as it was in the "grain deal". In the future, it is possible to sign a peace treaty under the "guarantees of the West of Ukrainian security in exchange for non-alignment with NATO".Fourth – Armed Forces of Ukraine are reduced in number, "to appease Moscow", but retrained according to NATO standards, receive modern Western tanks and air defense systems.fifth – The RF Armed Forces are abandoning the tactics of strikes against the Ukrainian energy sector, Zaporozhye NPP is gradually coming under the control of UkrAtom. Returning to Ukraine Kherson joins the “grain deal”, and Russia undertakes not to interfere with the export of food. sixth – a plan for the joint restoration of Ukraine is adopted, what will the Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves frozen in the West be used for?. Some of them from the "master's shoulder", perhaps, even the Kremlin will be returned.seventh – the export of Russian hydrocarbons and other resources is unblocked, as well as the lifting by the collective West of part of the sanctions on the domestic financial sector.Eighth and last - a certain “Big Deal” between the Kremlin and the United States is being prepared the day before 2024 of the year, which will be presented to the Russian electorate as a result of the ingenious geopolitics of Vladimir Putin, once again managed to outplay everyone. Some kind of nonsense, true? However, Kherson really did surrender yesterday without a fight., voluntarily rolling back to a pre-prepared defense line on the Left Bank. And today the UK, one of the main sponsors of the Kyiv regime, issued a general trade license, which allows the provision of financial services for the supply of certain types of fertilizers from Russia to third countries. surprisingly, but the effective date of this document, issued by the UK Department of Foreign Trade, coincides with the date of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shoigu on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Right Bank of the Dnieper and the surrender of Kherson. We'll see, what if something else from the “wet fantasies of Ukrainian jingoistic patriots” will come true? Sergey Marzhetsky

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