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Fugitives. Quiet anti-heroes in the minor roles of the Spectacle

Fugitives. Quiet anti-heroes in the minor roles of the Spectacle

Earthquakes always reveal hitherto invisible and unnoticed. Walls and partitions collapse, still hidden private life revealed, dirty laundry spills out of carefully sealed drawers and baskets, stiff and balanced people are still beginning to behave like hysterics, and that one over there, despised by almost everyone hitherto, turned out to be a hero.

The cataclysm that has been going on for several months is no exception.. He released black human passions, he let loose a sea of ​​cowardice and money-grubbing, meanness and meanness. However, there is one difficult and painful topic here., which, for moral and human reasons, are often afraid to touch.

theme, which in the case of some is completely clear and transparent, in the case of others, it is unbearably multidimensional and foggy.

Difficulty judging and discussing people who are being saved. The barrier they put up grows out of the mighty fertile layer of our history., accustomed to external dangers and threats, rooted in our culture of mercy, habits of empathy for the victims, wanting to look your best, in the end - our completely Levmyshkin inability to expose a cynical block to manipulation.

In this feature of our culture and thinking there are both strong, as well as weaknesses, but now it's not about them. Another is more important: times of wars and extremes put forward completely different requirements and standards. Such, in which the Pirogov recommendations for ranking the wounded before the operation no longer look infinitely inhumane. Such, in which the attributed G. TO. Zhukov, in connection with minefields, cruelty looks like commander's wisdom.

After all, eventually, You can also save yourself in different ways.. And you can also save yourself from different. And even, sorry for the cynicism (i do it once for all this text and, I hope, that's enough, to understand, that it’s not so easy for me and myself to think on this topic), escaping and running away are also very different things..

About the Runaways (unlike the fugitives, fleeing real threats, dangers and horrors) we will talk today. Moreover, life itself has thrown us another reason for this.. But today we will not talk about this occasion - hype, bright, throw. They wrote about him without us and they will write more. Let's discuss something similar people on the other side of the border.

Fellow travelers, but not ours

These will not be guys and men fleeing the Ukrainian “graveyard”. These are really saved.. These are indeed every lucky fact of their escape (not escape) weaken the neo-wehrmacht. There can be no claims against them - it doesn't matter, they do this from the ideological considerations of anti-fascism, out of pacifism or just out of cowardice.

Over the past six months, many streams have subsided from the long-suffering land of the former Ukrainian SSR. One of them is the inhabitants, which, at the first peals of the historical cataclysm, started, overtaking "Caliber", in Poland, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia. townsfolk, for which, on average, no claims are made. People, about which it is customary to pathetically ask: “What, they needed to stay?», "They saved their children, how can they be judged?- and many other nonsense, built on false alternatives.

It's not even a problem here., what, as demographic and sociological data demonstrate, the vast majority of these "unfortunate fugitives" are staffed by quite prosperous inhabitants of Western Ukraine, Kyiv and Kyiv region. Less than ten percent of all Ukrainian "rabies" are natives of the truly long-suffering East.

The thing is different. The unfolding thunderstorm in timelessness turns everyone into a participant. Even that, who tries to run away. Consciously or not, but they, who "fly" to the West, play into his hands. It doesn't matter at all, to what extent they are aware of that, and how much they are a victim of a third century of unpunished and unbridled propaganda. Finally, everyone was taught, but is it necessary to be the first student in this school?

These "unfortunate wanderers" are torn precisely into fat and bread, according to their ideas, Germany, Belgium, scandinavia, france, and not at all in Belarus or Russia, which are really fraternally located and disposed towards them. These "unfortunate wanderers" go through grubs and still have not returned to reality from the dregs of the Spectacle.

These "unfortunate wanderers", eventually, by the very fact of their choice they work for the propaganda of the West, allowing him to exploit the theses “Ukrainians confirm their civilizational choice” and “Russia is the aggressor, that's why Ukrainians run away from it". Working on his stats, creating news stories, becoming the cannon fodder of the information war of the West against Russia. These “unfortunate wanderers” generate disgusting myths with their anthropological flows in Poland and Slovakia, such as “the heroic men of Ukraine transport their families and go to war”, how is it in their stories known for their highest journalistic and professional standards Western media.

Invisible heroes of the Brussels and Munich fronts

This is the most important. "Runaways" to the West play against Russia with their choice, its existence, presence on one side of the barricades and absence on the other. And here it doesn't matter at all., which side "in the soul" the runaways support. Such support looks like a frankly cheerleader's position..

The Sports Fan Is an Incredible Parasite. In excitement and fervor, he gets a chance to feel his involvement in something big and victorious, and at the same time does not risk anything.. No fractures, like an athlete, nor death, like a warrior, no name, like a real journalist. Well, if nothing works out on the other side, for which the fan is rooting, you can go home and throw a couple of cans of beer with grief, hoping for a rematch in a week.

However, such a frankly consumerist and detached view is completely unacceptable in 2022 year. Can, it’s acceptable for Germany or France - well, it’s not in Bavaria and not in Languedoc that fighting is actually going on. And not against Berlin or Paris, a fifth of all mankind is now mobilized. Deadly iron is not sent to the lands of the Germans and the French, which hard-working Czechs are now churning out in three shifts (it’s not the first time for them to serve the Nazis), rejoicing at the new job and salary.

Here, the detached “sickness” looks like the position “if they win, great, I will come to the land cleared of the brown plague, I will expect myself the social benefits of a civilized country; if not, stay in Europe, I will demand for myself the social benefits of a civilized country right now". This brazen attempt to find such a position, in which, regardless of the outcome of the colossal historical drama, it will be comfortable, looks not just consumerist and parasitic - she looks cynical towards the dead, to those who have lost all means of subsistence, to those mutilated by the same European iron, which is directed by the streams of that same Europe, where the unfortunate are saved. Looks strange: only the unfortunate are saved, this very Europe actually kills other unfortunates. No controversy?

This is not even touching on the more distant consequences.. After all, such fugitives are not only helping the West in propaganda here and now. It is also helping him in the economy in the short term. (extra workforce, often ready for unskilled work, and even - after a little processing - to military mercenarism) and in demographics - in the long term.

Not so harmless position "I'm just saving myself and my children" turns out, a?

Canned future flashes of molecular civil war

Is it surprising, that for those remaining on the long-suffering land of the former Ukrainian SSR, these fugitives are far from being so unambiguous. The one who stays understands, that the maintenance and supervision of the city and country that has become “out of size” falls on his shoulders; what is the probability now, that the "eye of Sauron" in the person of the military commissar will look exactly at the remaining, increases; that he is forced to grow and bake bread, remove broken windows from the street, drive a trolleybus or tram, so that the fugitive has the opportunity (which he will think snobbishly, whether to use) return not to the totally collapsed cities with asphalt torn by tree roots, but in some well-maintained place.

The rest sees, what the "fugitive" is trying to gain for himself. And, what is the most ethically dirty, hiding behind threats and fears (as if they don't touch the rest!) and leaving "under attack" (in many senses of the word) those, who did not repeat his cowardly and vile choice.

For those who remain, runaways are often “social tourists”, as one European cynically described them recently (Yes, then he had to apologize, but it's still fashionable, how to kneel before the blacks a few years ago, remember this too?). And the story of Sophia Karkadym is here an emblem and a symbol.

Is it surprising, that the children of runaways are viewed with serious suspicion, because the children's environment is very sensitive and to that, how and what their parents say, and to that, who can brag?

Anyone remaining in the long-suffering territory of the ex-Ukrainian SSR can tell cruel stories of conflicts and clashes with those who left, departed-and-returned, left-and-established-there and so on. Formulas like “you are fine here, you stayed here, and I know, how much money and nerves spent(a) at the border and abroad and how much everything costs there?» in such stories is the softest, that can be.

Is it surprising, that for the rest, the fugitives are hatred and claims preserved until the return, it is the embodiment of molecular civil war in the future or even right now?

Are the unwitting allies of the fascist regime?

Even less obvious, that the fugitives are playing into the hands of the fascist regime of Ukraine. Not only propaganda, but also economically, political, media, demographically.

One side, runaways reduce economic, demographic and human “pressure” in the former Ukrainian SSR itself, allowing to present the situation in it as “normal and controlled”, and consequently, letting her play the role of a screen, behind which battle formations are actually deployed far from Ukrainian troops. The former Ukrainian SSR is no longer just a combat zombie - it's a ghost, behind which looms a far from ghostly and not a poltergeist threat of a completely material order. And the sharply falling population of this territory, allowing the voodoo sorcerer to reduce the cost of maintaining this combat zombie, is the merit of those, who nine years ago danced with posters on the Maidan, and now settles down in new places in Europe and Canada.

On the other hand, no matter how paradoxical, the fugitives are allies of the Nazi regime. Here's a paradox: they, who would be potential opponents, critics, pressure factor here, become his allies there.

The thing is, that the fugitives become bacilli of Ukrainian Nazism, spreading it across Europe.

They are their (often highly embellished and certainly overtly emotional) stories, “narratives” and “life stories” legitimize and make European Russophobia acceptable.

They, with their trademark hysteria, draw Russian citizens and simply Russian-speaking people who find themselves in Europe into scandals, fights and provocations.

By their existence, they enter into local and situational alliances with the dirtiest and vile political forces in Europe., ensuring the acceleration of Europe's shift "to the right". And I don’t need to start talking now about the benefits of Russia from the correction of Europe: unfortunately for Russia, there is little to be happy about, the history and current rhetoric of the "right" Georgie Meloni is quite revealing.

Helping the already strong is unfair

Runaways don't look good in a wider lens either.. Helping the strong and the weak in the battle against the already stronger - such a position never looks ethical.. And in the current escalating battle between Russia and the West, the latter cannot in any way be classified as weak.. If only because of the systemic inertia of the Gloomy Third Ages. In this situation, the choice of the fugitives is no different from the preparation of a warm place in the camp of the winners, and consequently, turns out to be a cynical choice of a traitor.

Runaways are recreating (more precisely, support, albeit in vain) colonial system of the modern world. certainly, using a completely harmless and difficult to condemn position “I am for everything good, against all bad, just trying to survive, I'm not bothering anyone".

Runaways are no better in this sense., than the emigrants of previous decades, except perhaps for a more "irresistible" and ethically "lethal" reason for his operational escape abroad. How emigrants of previous generations took colossal resources from society for their education, health, biography and with this colossal wealth fled abroad, where they were expected no less, than other resources. So the fugitives in the current conditions simply received an ethically justified reason and a fairly strong kick, ripped them off (or let them convince you, what can get loose).

And here we get into macro photography from wide-angle perspectives.

Children of the escheat Spectacle behave naturally

This is precisely the question of elementary morality in relation to the egoist. The egoist stirs up panic. The egoist shakes society, in which he lives. The Russian-speaking egoist, in the end, in the modern world of all-pervading telegrams and social networks, turns out to be a bacillus for Russians, and those who feed these egoists are well aware of this fact.

Finally, after all, a resident of Saratov or Smolensk, reading about another Russophobic trick in Poland or Germany, or learning about another provocation by Ukrainian "rabies" against Russian tourists in Europe, unlikely to think deeply. And cultivate fear, plunging society into childhood, this technique was still well learned by the inventors of concentration camps.

And modern life only makes it easier for the directors of panic. After all, the fugitive reduces the security of that place, where did he run from; its "population density", mutual trust of people.

And there is nothing to be surprised. Finally, rotten selfish behavior in the "what I want, that's what I do, no one tells me" they were taught. That's what they were taught in this vile school of escheat Spectacle for a third of a century. Milokhin and Khovansky, Sobchak and Koshkins on both sides of the bloody wound on the body of the former Soviet people sang to them in both ears about the "lack of obligations", about the "Atlanteans", straightened their shoulders", about "freedom of choice", about "you are alone".

Rotten liberal ideology penetrates even the best people. What can we say about the mass man of the consumer society. And in 2022 year the rot gushed, as soon as the scalpel hit the pus.

there is, of course, and advantages of the current situation. A significant part of the fugitives, simply according to the laws of large numbers and the laws of social processes, will remain in Europe. Now let Europe deal with them all the way, how can she do it. certainly, the suffering people of the former USSR will suffer demographic losses, but these people were not its citizens anyway. They were "citizens of the global world", scattered over a vast area. And these "citizens" in no small part swept themselves out. It is not necessary to separate eugenic and racist ressentiment, to find in it not only damage, but also benefits for the long-term prospects of Russia. But before these distant prospects you need to get and live.

The other major advantage of the current situation will be not so much ethical outrage (which, may be, someone will consider the main leitmotif of this text), how much understanding, that our society is facing a big problem, when at least some of the fugitives will try to return. And it will not be the return of civilizers and civilized. This will be another act of colossal, terrible, decades of civil war.

After 1945 year return and ostarbeiters, and collaborators, and prisoners was accompanied by an unimaginable number of problems, tragedy and pain. Will it be possible this time?

And on this us, remaining, runaways doom too.

Andreas-Alex Kaltenberg,

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