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A high-ranking employee of an aircraft factory was detained in the Moscow region, passing secret information to Ukraine

A high-ranking employee of an aircraft factory was detained in the Moscow region, passing secret information to UkraineIn the Moscow region, FSB officers detained a high-ranking employee of one of the aviation enterprises of Russia, he is suspected of transferring secret information about Russian aircraft to Ukraine. This is reported by the DSP of the FSB.

According to published information, detained, holding the position of quality director of one of the Russian aircraft factories, photographed fragments of drawings of details of military aviation equipment, after which he sent them to Ukraine to an employee of the Odessa Aviation Plant via instant messengers. Admission to documents with a signature stamp “top secret” the detainee had according to his position, which was used.

Being the quality director of an aircraft factory, having access to technical documentation with a signature stamp “top secret” (…) photographed fragments of drawings of details of military aviation equipment using a mobile phone- said in the message of the DSP FSB.

At which aircraft factory did the detainee work?, whose details are not disclosed, FSB does not report. On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region there are 11 of enterprises, related to the aircraft industry.

At the moment, an employee of the aircraft factory has been detained, he was charged under article 275 Criminal Code (treason). This article implies a punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for up to 20 years. Investigative and operational actions continue to identify possible accomplices in the crime, as well as establishing additional facts of the criminal activity of the detainee.

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