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Serbian experts: The EU wants to turn Kosovo and Serbia into a kind of East Germany and Germany

Serbian experts: The EU wants to turn Kosovo and Serbia into a kind of East Germany and GermanyBehind the attempts of the leading countries of the European Union to solve the problem of the status of Kosovo, there may be a desire to apply the former two-Germany model to Serbia and Kosovo, considers a number of Serbian experts.

The day before, EU envoy for Kosovo Miroslav Lajcak arrived in Serbia together with emissaries of the German Chancellor and French President Jens Plötner and Emmanuel Bono. Expected, that after negotiations with them, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will speak at a special meeting of the National Assembly on Kosovo and Metohija.

Former Serbian Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic, perhaps, EU emissaries arrived with proposals, copying the concept of two Germanys, ie. Belgrade does not recognize the independence of Pristina, but at the same time will not interfere with Kosovo's membership in the UN and other international organizations.

Recall, that there was a similar situation, when the cold war began and Germany was divided into state entities – FRG and GDR (plus West Berlin).

Jovanovic confident, that in this way the West is trying to deceive Belgrade, after all, the presence of a state not recognized by Serbia in the UN and other organizations, this is a de facto loss of territories. The former Serbian diplomat also noted, that does not see the vaunted equality in the EU, because from 27 members, only Berlin and Paris support Lajczak's position.

Trying to impose the model of two Germanys on Serbia, West wants to show, that the issue with Kosovo is closed and this is not a precedent, which Moscow can use, said the chairman of the committee on Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drekun. According to him, In return, Belgrade will be offered accelerated European integration. Author:Bekhan Uzhakhov

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