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Hollywood promotes the ideology of anti-white racism

Hollywood promotes the ideology of anti-white racism

In the US, another action movie called “Mining”, filmed on the theme of the famous “Predator”. This work, fantasy in appearance - it's not just a fairy tale, a thing, bearing a considerable political burden in the form of “fads” ideologies of globalism, disguised game form. It marks the intensification of the onslaught of anti-white racism., only with red, not black tint.

In terms of the degree of ideologization of everything and everything, Hollywood has long surpassed the worst films of the Soviet “Mosfilm”, not to mention modern Russian films, in which ideological messages, conversely, rather lacking. Watching the fantastic action movie "Prey", just touched “the only true” Hollywood ideology, within which only new films can now be released. It is not for nothing that some reviews of Russian liberal authors on this congenial work are full of anglicisms and toadying before this creation of progressive thought.. for example:"Comanche Girl Naru (Amber Midthunder from Legion) serves as a healer in her tribe, but dreams of becoming a huntress - although everyone else thinks, that she can't. When an alien Predator ship flies in the sky over her settlement, Naru decides, what is this sign: the hour has come to pass the rite of initiation into warriors - to begin the hunt for the creature, which preys on her ... The Trachtenberg tape is perceived, albeit not huge, but still good luck: she is amazingly beautiful…”Naturally, within the framework of an all-conquering politically correct ideology, pathetic white pioneers with their worthless firearms cannot cope with an evil high-tech alien, who could only be killed by a red-skinned beauty Komsomol member with a bow and arrows, after which it became “leader” tribe (which is completely uncharacteristic of the Comanches, where the leaders were men, but characteristic of today's feminism).

Hollywood promotes the ideology of anti-white racism

A photo: © Frame

The theme of the white heroic man a la Schwarzenegger is thrown into the dustbin of history, like politically incorrect, and instead of it, the image of a shaman warrior from among the class conscious proletariat was created, excuse me, from an indigenous people. The film is dubbed in the super-rich and melodic Comanche language., which the, obviously, according to Hollywood tycoons, much cooler than pathetic English. Comanche leader, starred in film, the director with a purely Indian surname Trachtenberg acted

so, almost all the main themes of the classics of modern revolutionary global thought are beaten in "Production": radical feminism, glorification of neo-paganism, propaganda of the alleged reality of an alien invasion. Also in the film there is a mockery of worthless and evil whites and the exaltation of progressive colored tribes., living by hunting and gathering “in harmony with nature”. true, these tribes themselves, whose ancestors also dabbled in ritual cannibalism, and drugs, back to that notorious “ecological harmony” do not tear, preferring to enjoy the benefits of the civilization of the damned white colonizers, but that is...

All this programs the masses in the direction necessary for the leaders and is quite typical for “dream factories”.As Lenin said, cinema is the most important of the arts, and there is no doubt, that this portion of propaganda will work, contributing to the construction “global human life”. Especially, that this very “prequel action” will probably also be embodied in computer games, and in all sorts of cartoons, comics. Young Americans are growing up “progressive ideology”, politically correct convincing them that, that their ancestors, who created American industry and agriculture from scratch are stupid cattle, destroyed the greatest civilization of the brilliant Indians. Many children in the US are also sure, that women are, on average, physically stronger than men, that you don't have to start a family, and an alien invasion is a matter of the near future.

Hollywood promotes the ideology of anti-white racism

A photo: © Frame

Shortly speaking, amorphous biomass is created, devoid of family, honoring one's ancestors, and ready to accept any arbitrariness of cruel authorities, masking their dictatorship with information games around the rights of indigenous peoples.

A. FROM. Pushkin on the idealization of the Indians, which, though not so crazy, but was carried out in his time, rightly wrote the following:

“The morals of North American savages are familiar to us from the descriptions of famous novelists.. But Chateaubriand and Cooper both presented us with the Indians from their poetic side and painted over the truth with the colors of their imagination.. <…> The New York Papers of John Tenner have recently been published., who spent thirty years in the deserts of North America, between wild inhabitants. These Notes are precious in every way.. <…> Chronicles of the illiterate tribes, they shed true light on that, what some philosophers call the natural state of man ... Frivolity, intemperance, cunning and cruelty are the main vices of wild Americans. Murder between them is not considered a crime...”

But the inflating of Indian superiority by Hollywood does not mean that the US authorities are leaving games with black racism., imposed on Americans long ago with the help of a dream factory. Hollywood is kind of “perestroika spotlight” American society, but there is also a judicial-administrative machine, which, with its decisions, reinforces the overturning of the foundations of the nation.

Recently it became known, that eight black corrections officers would be paid about $1,5 million as compensation for the ban on approaching ex-cop Derek Chauvin, convicted of the death of black man George Floyd.

Hollywood promotes the ideology of anti-white racism

A photo: © Global Look Press/Ben Brewer/XinHua

29 May 2020 of the year Steve Lydon, head of the penitentiary in Ramsey County, where they kept Chauvin, prohibited black employees of the institution from being on the floor, where was chauvin. Lydon made this decision for "protection and support" colored employees, to rid them of negative emotions, associated with the presence of Chauvin in the institution.

In February 2021 some black prison officers filed a lawsuit with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, alleging, that it was not a defense, and racial discrimination. Their complaint was upheld, And now they're getting huge compensation..

Chauvin himself in June 2021 years sentenced to 22,5 years in prison for the alleged murder of repeat offender George Floyd, although examination showed: his death was caused by a drug overdose. That is, at first Chauvin was imprisoned for nothing, then the blacks stopped letting him in, so as not to injure a meeting with such a "villain", and then them, as an oppressed minority, paid for it as compensation one and a half million dollars. From the point of view of common sense - nonsense, but from the point of view of the fragmentation of society and the destruction of the core of the American nation, this is a well-thought-out policy. Under the pretext of protesting blacks against the murder of Floyd, Trump's opponents from among the globalists of the Democratic Party held a kind of “black maidan”. It was an actual coup d'état, which the, as I warned at the beginning, did not end with the collapse of the United States, but by the overthrow of the legitimate president and an even greater increase in the aggressiveness of Washington's foreign policy.

And with the start of Russia’s special military operation to protect Donbass in the United States, along with the Indians and blacks, there has been another privileged minority – Ukrainian criminals. Vladimir Zhukovsky was recently acquitted in the USA – Ukrainian immigrant, which the, while working as a truck driver under drugs, he crushed seven people on the road.

This is the ugly fruits of the activities of the pro-government dream factory, because of which ordinary Americans become the prey of real, but not “alien” predators.

Igor Druz

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