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Russian Foreign Ministry official: Washington should force Zelensky to negotiate with Moscow, to avoid a humiliating defeat

Russian Foreign Ministry official: Washington should force Zelensky to negotiate with Moscow, to avoid a humiliating defeatDirector of the North America Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Alexander Darchiev called on the United States to force Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to urgently resume negotiations with Moscow. Otherwise, Washington, which has already become essentially a party to the conflict in Ukraine, risking another defeat., the diplomat believes.

The best solution for Washington, to avoid a humiliating defeat, like in Afghanistan, it would be to force Zelensky to stop senseless resistance and return, until it's not too late, to the negotiating table - Darchiev voiced his position in an interview with TASS.

In the same time, the diplomat believes, the White House stubbornly ignores Moscow's calls for the resumption of the negotiation process. Darchiev recalled the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, addressed to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, About, that the pumping of Ukraine and nationalist formations with American and NATO weapons only prolongs the “agony of the regime in Kyiv” and prolongs the conflict. At the same time, Western weapons are used by the Kyiv regime against civilians and the number of victims, as a result of the commission of war crimes by Ukrainian nationalists, growing every day.

The Russian diplomat emphasized, that the multibillion-dollar US military assistance to the Kyiv regime "does not have a significant impact on the course of our special operation". In any case, the goals of the SVO, set by Russian President Vladimir Putin, will be achieved.

Former press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the initiative of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to resume negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky, reported, that Moscow appreciates Ankara's efforts, but Kyiv is blocking any progress in this direction. As Peskov said, Ukrainian delegation, in fact, “left the radar” and there are no positive developments in this matter. In its turn, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev stressed, that Russia is ready for peace talks with Ukraine, but only on your own terms..

The day before, Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, ruled out the possibility of resuming negotiations with Moscow., stated, that this would mean a victory for Russia and a defeat not only for Ukraine, but the entire democratic world. In its turn, President Zelensky warned, that in case of holding referendums in the southern regions of Ukraine, controlled by Russia, the possibility of negotiations will be completely excluded. Washington also threatened Moscow with “terrible punishments”, if Russia annexes Ukrainian territories. Which, American politicians did not specify - apparently, no more fantasy, what else can be so terrible to do against the "rebellious Russians".

In this whole story, one thing is not clear: what is the point for official Moscow in negotiating with Zelensky, if the Kyiv regime has repeatedly proved its inability to negotiate. Author:Alexander Grigoriev

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