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Mortar carrier 2S41 “gorse” will be released on state tests in 2019 year

State tests of modern mortar system “gorse”, created for the benefit of the VDV, will be held next year in landfills Russian Defense Ministry, According to the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Самоходный миномёт 2С41 "Дрок" выйдет на госиспытания в 2019 году

developed, Firstly, for Airborne units, mortar complex “gorse” It represents 82mm breech-loading mortar with manual loading of 2S41, mounted on armored car “Typhoon-VDV”. Shooting is from the crew compartment of the armored car as a conventional ammunition, and new mines with increased firing range and power. The rate of fire is up to 12 rounds per minute at a distance of 100 to 6000 m. It is possible the removal of mortar firing from the ground. Ammunition is 40 min, stored in the fighting compartment. Crew 4 man.

In addition to mortar, on bronevyke, directly above the driver's seat, installed remote controlled unit with a machine gun, and a smoke grenade. Also installed on the roof blocks apparatus complex opto-electronic countermeasure.

Mortar 2S41 complex “gorse” retained the basic dimensions of the armored car “Typhoon”, but combat weight increased to 14 tonnes.



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